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Somebody please explain to me why BM finds it necessary to tell my husband that she's not having sex

smomof2's picture

For some reason my skids' BM is constantly emailing my husband and tell him that she's celibate and not dating anyone-according to her, that's proof she's a good mother. When she first find out DH was dating me, she wrote this super long email about how she is purposely not dating and chooses to be celibate for the sake of the kids and what a bad father he is for not only dating but introducing me to the kids. She was texting him on an almost daily basis "bragging" about her celibacy. Then it stopped for a few months. She picked it up again summer of 2011 where again she constantly tells him she's sacrificing her dating life for the kids. When she found out a year ago that we were getting married and buying a house, she wrote to DH and told him she's dating someone she's known for a long time and that "there's a real possibility" they're getting married soon too.

Fast forward to last week where after we told the boys they're having another sibling soon and I guess ss6 told BM there's a baby in SM's belly and the drama started again! She wrote to DH and demanded that "we all seat down and discuss SM's pregnancy". I swear ladies those were her words! DH wrote back telling her yes we're pregnant, the ssons are going to have a baby sister or brother soon and that there's nothing to seat down and discuss.

In the last week there's been numerous angry email from her, attacking me and DH. You can feel the bitterness dripping from her emails. He pretty much ignored most of them cause they're not worth responding to. In every one of the email she says how strong she is for being a single parent, that she's not having sex or dating for the sake of the kids, what a wonderful mother she is, and that DH is weak for finding someone to help him raise them. The one email DH responded to was when she called me the outsider and said that I better not neglect her sons now that I'm having a child of my own. He pretty much told her that while he had poor judgment when he met her and had kids with her, he's now older and wiser and knows he made the right choice this time around. He told her I'm not the outsider given that the kids are with us at least 60% of the time, we're married and having a child together; that I'm the best thing to happen to him and the kids and he knows that the ssons won't suffer when baby is here. He reminded her how much I've done for the ssons in the last 3 years despite her constant attack on me.

I'm actually proud of DH for standing up for me. A few months ago she spent about 45 minutes telling him that she changed and wants a relationship with both of us, how things will be different from now on, she even begged to be allowed to come into our home again when dropping off the kids. DH believed her, he was so excited that they can co-parent for the first time in over 3 years. For a while he was so blind that he thought I was the one overreacting when she texted him at 1130 at night, and then again at 3AM another night. But I guess you can only pretend to be a good person for so long before the real you comes out to play again. After her last batches of emails, he said he's fed up with her crap and don't believe they will ever be able to co-parent. He said he'll continue to be civil to her but that's it!


smomof2's picture

BM was the cheater in their relationship too. Whenever him and BM would fight she threw in his face that she was cheating on him and had been since day 1. DH did paternity test on ss6 but for ssstb5 he didn't cause he said even if ssstb5 is not his, he loves him and doesn't want to separate the boys.

It's hilarious that she gets self-righteous and judgy.

Shaman29's picture

Whoa.......another nutter BM.

First congrats on your baby.:)

Second, you may neglect your SS's by default caring for your new baby. Don't feel guilty.

Third, continue to ignore the crazy person.

You and your DH are doing a fine job and I think all of you will get through this just fine. Your SS's will enjoy their baby sibling and being big brothers.

smomof2's picture

ssstb5 doesn't understand but ss6 is excited to have another sibling, he insists on singing goodnight song to baby every night he's with us. And, DH understands that a newborn needs more attention than a 5 and 6 years old. Plus this is my first baby so I know for fact I won't be doing the same things/spending the same amount of time with the boys as I do right now.

newbiestepmom25's picture

firstly I'm in love with your DH for being so awesome and sticking up for you.
Second your BM has a few screws lose and I detect a lot of jealousy and bitterness.
Enjoy your pregnancy and your baby and let her sulk on the sidelines don't even give her space in your head. Your DH seems to be putting her in her place just fine.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i'm sorry i got stuck on "we all set down and discuss SM's pregnancy"

holy shitski... :jawdrop:

ok, going back to read the rest...

Tuff Noogies's picture

i swear KY our bm's are so much alike!

Dumbass had a royal shit fit that i slept on MIL's couch when DH and skids were there (we were engaged).

now she drags them back and forth between Mr Potato Head (2nd ExH) and New Dick's (her 'boyfriend'). yup, sleepovers, in same bed, and all.

it's the end of the world when the guys do it, but when crazy BM does it (or worse) of course it's supposed to be justified!

misSTEP's picture

Their hypocrisy always astounds me.

BM threw a fit because DH would randomly put their "Parents Journal" inside one of the skids' backpacks to take back to BM (he has a no contact order against her). BM felt like DH should physically HAND her the notebook because otherwise it was "putting the kids in the middle."

But yet, it wasn't putting them in the middle when she would have SD call to say that her aunt wanted her to babysit so could she please stay home that weekend instead of come to our place...??? Talk about a lose-lose situation for DH.

smomof2's picture

To be honest I don't know if she wants him back or just jealous that he's happy and I have what she'll never have. He was the one to file for divorce but she was cheating on him and told him so

myspoonistoobig's picture

Our BM did the same thing. She told him once that she was determined to wait till he was older and then to progress very slowly into a relationship so she could do what was best for SS.

Three months later, married.

Silly bint.

smomof2's picture

I don't understand why a parent would tell their young kid how much sacrifice they're making for them. That doesn't make the child love you more, if anything it makes them feel guilty and it hurts them.

Most Evil's picture

Our BM said this too and we think even promised SD she would stay single if SD stayed with her, instead of coming to live with us.

They even had a promise ring about it!! We think. Sick!!!

The truth is nobody wanted BM at the time I guess. I think she is on meds now though.!!

stepinafrica's picture

These Exes are so crazy. Raising a child does not require celibacy.

If anything this kind of attitude betrays an inappropriate relationship. The love between me and my husband is completely different from the love I have for my child. I don't see my husband as someone who competes with my child at all.

Poor kids.