I hate that I always feel guilty...
I'm a full time stepmom of 3, I have one 5 yr old son of my own. When the skids do wrong, I'm the one that usually catches it because my husband is never on top of things. It could be something so simple, like last night I opened my ss drawer and it was packed tight with jeans and jean shorts which I make a point to always have hangers with the clips at each end for him to hang these items on a hanger in his closet so that the doesn't end up ruining the dresser drawers. He has been explained this over and over and over and over....so when I see this I blow up out of control. My husband comes in to see what's going on and all he does is explain to his son THE SAME THING that has already been explained to him OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Then my anger turns to my husband and I start yelling at him asking him why he doesn't get tired of saying the same thing to his son, why he doesn't do something else, some kind of punishment where the kid gets it! Then my husband gets mad at me for "going crazy". So now because I went "crazy", no one sees what ss did, they all just see ME and my out of control behavior. This morning I woke up kicking myself for my behavior and why I let ss get to me so freakin much. My husband says that maybe I should simplify my life be getting rid of him and his kids, that I don't seem happy. So there I am, feeling worse because now it's in my hands whether or not to kick them out. I ask him, "why is it easier for you to ask me if I want to end our marriage and not easier to set rules with your kids and stick by them, and if they break those rules, for you to set down punishments for their actions?"
I'm not their real mother of couse, their mother died in 2001, I got them in 2004. They (including my husband) expects me to love them and have patience for them as if they were my own. And I do love them, but any time they do wrong and I try discipline or punish them I'm the bad guy, I'm mean.
I don't know what to do, I mean, I know I need to be happy and I know that I should tell them to leave if I'm not happy, but my son has known these people since he was 10 months old and these people are his family. He's never met his bio dad, bd has never made any effort to come meet him. My current husband is daddy to him.
I sometimes wish I had never met my current husband, I sometimes wish I would've never let them all move in. But I thought at the time, "poor kids, they don't have a mom, I'll be their mom and give them a mom's love that I know they're lacking".
I wish they made some effort, all of them including my husband. I feel so disconnected from them right now because I don't feel that my husband is giving me what I need from him.
Why is it my job if it's his kids? Why do I have to tell him what to do or how to handle the situations that araise? It's like he has no clue and I have to do it all which is just too much for me.
- Smile-n-Cry's blog
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i hate to tell you but when
i hate to tell you but when you step in a situation like this, you even said it yourself "ill be their mother" YOU need to LOVE THEM for BETTER or for WORSE. all kids do this, they dont freakin listen, heck i remember my own mother yelling at me for something like this. Its really not that big of a deal with the whole hanger thing in all reality and if thats the best situation you can come up with then maybe you need to step back and revaluate yourself and why you are so angry. is there another underlying problem??
like i said you said it yourself: poor kids, they don't have a mom, I'll be their mom and give them a mom's love that I know they're lacking".
you have now taken that role.
but then you contradict yourself by saying: "Why is it my job if it's his kids?" becuase u MADE THEM YOUR KIDS.
i can bet you will yell at your own son the same when he doesnt listen. Your hubby has accepted you and your son now its time to do the same for him and i can carry no sympathy for you here because you spelled it out for yourself.......you assumed that role now deal with it. Lucky you have no crazy BM to deal with.
And if the skids dont listen, speak to hubby, set house rules and consequences but you cannot resent a situation that you so graciously accepted in the first place.
"My husband comes in to see
"My husband comes in to see what's going on and all he does is explain to his son THE SAME THING that has already been explained to him OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Then my anger turns to my husband and I start yelling at him asking him why he doesn't get tired of saying the same thing to his son, why he doesn't do something else, some kind of punishment where the kid gets it!"
Replace "wife" with "husband" and I could of written that paragraph. Anytime my step-son does something wrong she talks to him sternly, then lets him go on his way. So he keeps doing the same thing over and over and I get into arguments with her because she's not teaching any lessons other than he can still go play with friends and do whatever he wants and all he gets is a talk... the kids never been grounded in his life.
I've figured out that my wife just has some serious guilt issues and would rather be her sons friend than his mother.
I feel for ya.
I understand about the
I understand about the constant guilt (check my user name
But honestly, I would love to be in your situation. It would make things so much easier if my SD could just be mine. My BD5's father died when she was 18 months old. My current husband adopted her when we got married last year. I am a full time stepmom to SD10 because her mother decided to go live in London. I have all of the responsibility but none of the empowerment. Every time I do something she doesn't like she's on the phone to Mom. Every time she wants something we won't give her, she's on the phone to Mom. If her mother were gone, I'd adopt her in a heartbeat...
I'm not judging you for how you're feeling. Everyone handles their blended home life in a different way. But you have a real opportunity here. You may not like the way the children are behaving now. But if you stay committed and make the effort to love them through it all, at their highschool graduations, at their weddings you will be the one and only mom that was there for them and they will show you how much you've meant. The reward will totally be worth it in the end.
If it makes you feel any
If it makes you feel any better, my SD10 not only keeps jeans stuffed in her dresser drawers, but she will take off her dirty clothes at night and put them in there too! We have told her 1,000000000 times, "DO NOT PUT DIRTY CLOTHES BACK IN THE DRAWER!!!!" She still does it. and everytime my husband threatens to do this or that to her and he rambles on and on, but he doesn't do anything and she could care less. As long as the room is fairly clean, I'm staying out of her drawers! She can wear dirty underwear if she wants too!!!!