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Hubby finally stepped up- SDs are not happy!

Smellissa's picture

I am a red hot flaming hypocrite!

You see, when I was in school, there was nothing else in the world that I wanted at 7 in the morning, as much as I wanted to go back to bed. Most days, there was nothing that my mom could offer me or take away from me that would get me up and off to school.

And homework? Homework was something I did FOR FUN, but not something I ever gave back to my teachers! I couldn't be bothered.

Now, my SDs are in 6th and 9th grade. I wake up at 5 every morning, and sit up with them until they leave for the bus. I don't take chances on them missing it, if I can help it.

Homework is something that is done the day it's assigned their homework is a lot more important to me then mine ever was! They've both played games with it, to the point that they have to bring home signed agendas everyday.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

See, I'm with you. I was the kid who couldn't be bothered to get up for school, especially once I hit junior high. I was completely overtaken by apathy - fueled by grief over the loss of my dad - to the point where I was late or absent far more often than was allowed by the school. And homework? Forget about it. I did it but I also would not turn in my homework and my grades suffered as a result. And, much like you, I've taken an interest in SD's school and in her doing her work.

However, I don't view that as making me a hypocrite. I view that as wanting better for SD after going through all that nonsense myself and knowing what the outcome was for me (being held back a year). Sure, SD is in cyberschool so there's no bus to catch or physical school to go to, but, I take an interest in her getting up in the morning to do her schoolwork during the day.

(ETA Post your continuation in the comments):

It's amazing you have backup! Glad to hear that!!!

Smellissa's picture

Attempting, I lost my dad young to! And that was the beginning of my depression But I was a horrible kid Drinking, drugs, sneaking out, sleeping around . Anything bad I could do.

These girls don't get away with much for long. There's a lot more fight in me then my mom ever had!

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Haha, yea, I wasn't such a bad teenager in comparison to other people I know, but I know all the tricks because my sister was the drinking, drugs, sneaking out, sleeping around type and I always knew what she was up to even when my mom was fooled. And SD is a really bad liar. FDH used to pride himself on knowing her so well that he could always tell when she was lying but I figured out her tells after knowing her for like 6 months, if that. I told him "FDH, it's not that you know SD that well - which you do - it's just that she's REALLY bad at lying and gives herself away every single time." But she always conveniently seems to forget that haha.

Smellissa's picture

( sorry, I'm on my phone, so have to finish in comments.)

Anyway, the deal with the agendas works like this: both SDs have to write down their assignments, and have three teachers sign them at the end of class. Then SD brings the agenda home to me, I read over it,find and make sure homework gets done. With SD14, who is taking some classes I never took ( mythology, Spanish II, etc), I sometimes just ask " Did you get all your homework done?"

So, last week, SD14 had the bright idea to lie about it, and just hand in her homework on Friday.. Except, I get an email every Friday that tells me if SDs missed an assignment that week, and the computers were down on Friday. So, Teachers couldn't mark off ADs homework as done, and I got the email. SD14 spent the weekend ( including Monday) grounded from everything.

This week, SD12 forgot her agenda every single day. And, of course, the teachers weren't assigning homework... I've been locked out of my parent portal, and couldn't get in until last night. Then, I found out that SD12 had been lying about homework, to.

For " forgetting" her signed agenda, SD12 has an extra chore for 12 days ( one day each, for each signature we didn't get). For each day that she didn't do her homework, SD12 gets to spend some extra time alone in her bedroom. ( I'm wondering if grounding her to her room all day, except chores and meals is too much. Opinions?)

Finally, this morning, Hubby got up with me, and the girls. He was very loud, when he told them how he felt about it all.

Of course, my girls are Drama Mama's. SD14 told me she wasn't going to take her inhaer (bronchitis), so she'd die. SD12 wanted to go to the bus stop an hour early, in Subzero temperatures.

Me? I'm relieved to finally have some backup!