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Ok...The Story

sm2beautifulgrls's picture

I hope you all don't mind...I will try to go into some detail so that most aren't confused when I rant and rave later on.
In March of 06 BM of my SD's passed away...they lived with their BF starting in Feb of 06. AT THE FUNERAL the maternal gm had BF served with papers that she was suing him for custody. Jump to Sept of 06..BF admitted that he had not been as much a part of the girls lives as he had wanted mainly bc he was shut out by BM and her BF...he was asked how many school functions he had attened to which he replied non...he had not been told of any (not an excuse I know). At that court date...maternal GM was given temp guardianship and BF was given SUPERVISED VISITS...every other weekend. To this day..we can't get anyone to tell us why SUPERVISED VISITS. Jump to 2 years later....and a protective order that was filed because oldest sd claimed daddy whipped her with belt and left bruise...that PO lasted 4 months...only later to find out...accusation was false...( I still believe in my heart of hearts...maternal gm put her up to it). We attend family counciling as court ordered....anything that has been told for my husband to do he has done right down to the letter. We called CPS as well as DHS several times concerned about the welfare of the children...went to the schools...everything we could think of when we noticed the girls smelling really bad..being very dirty..stories of being out very late...not going to school (the oldest missed 12 of the first 20 days of school)..gaining lots of weight....but we were dismissed each time. FINALLY after throwing a fit I got somewhere with DHS and in Sept of 08 they pulled the girls from maternal gm. Fast forward husband STILL has supervised visits. MGM ONLY HAD TREATMENT PLAN FROM DHS FOR 1 WEEK and has not started family therapy as ordered in treatment plan...but now has unsupervised visits...had the girls all day on Christmas even tho it was BF year to have them and she had them the whole day the sat after Christmas even tho it was still BF scheduled week and last night we were called by DHS and they are giving her EVERY SAT....ALL DAY..UNSUPERVISED EVEN ON THE WEEKENDS THAT BELONG TO MY HUSBAND.....I AM SOOOO PISSED....and everytime I say anything I am told I am just the step mom...I don't have an opinion....just venting...thank you for listening


secondwife20's picture

but I think the real victims here are the children. Not having a stable home... a grandma who doesn't take care of them... and supervised visits with their father. This all needs to stop before the children are further damaged because this is NOT healthy. I'm not sure what else to tell you because I have never been in this situation. I would just keep fighting until DH has full custody because now that mom is gone, all they really need is their father... and you, of course.
