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SM the parenting consultant...?

SisterNeko's picture

I shouldn't laugh but last night was the first night that DH took the lead with the sKids and it didn't go so well for him. He asked me a few times for my opinion and I kindly gave it to him but I was forceful just informative.

Just to let re-cap, I told DH last time sKids were here that I was too stressed out by sKids and it was making me ill so I was going to start pulling back and letting him take the lead. Basically DH said that I lecture the kids too much and I do so now I won't. Smile

I did as I was instructed by DH - provided basic childcare - and got the kids (ss5 and ss7) a snack after school and started homework. When it was done SS7 wanted to paint so I got the art stuff out and the kids stayed busy while we waited for DH to get home.

DH got home he wanted SS7 to work on his writing and read. He had to yell at SS7 2 or 3 times to finish up his painting and come up stairs. When he finally got upstairs he had paint all over him, I gave him an art shirt to put on but he didn't. So DH had to clean to clean him up. SS7 told DH how he drug a large stick home from the bus stop (which I saw him do but said nothing), DH lectured him about not doing that any more it would have to been disposed of.

I busied myself in the basement painting the walls down there. Smile

Homework took a good deal of time, at one point DH got a squirt gun out that I use to correct my cats and was spraying the sKids. SS7 took awhile to figure out what was going on (he is not too bright) but SS5 knew what DH was doing and it was fun until DH stopped. SS5 got mad and wanted the squirt guns so DH hid them and then SS5 just got bossy. To the point where DH pulled him aside and explained to him that DH was the boss not him and to knock it off.

DH did struggle to leave his TV alone, he tried to sneak in some shows but with the kids now coming to him for attention it was a challenge. Dinner was ok, he had the kid clear their plates and SS5 didn't eat well as usual. I told him that I wanted to sit down and watch an hour long show that came on at 7 and he said we could, forgetting that we have the kids turn their TV's off at 7 and put them in bed at 7:30.

So at 7 I sat down to watch my show and SS7 tried to come read by me but DH made him go in the other room other wise he just watches TV and it was an adult show. DH had to get up a few times to get the kids ready for bed and he asked me for my opinion on what to do with SS5 - who has a bad cough. Currently sKids share a room so DH wanted to put SS5 on the floor in the toy room for the night so SS7 could sleep. I told him that sounded like a good idea, then he asked it he should put a sleeping bag down for him, I said I would. To which DH responded with "So you aren't going to help me at all?" I told him I gave him my 2 cents.

DH put the kids in bed by himself and came back to watch the show with me about the end of the show SS7 came out crying. He said he was worried about SS5 - but in reality SS& has these little panic attack for no apparent reason. Again I stayed seated and DH got up to put him back in bed.

Needless to say DH was a little cranky the rest of the night. I got in the chair with him and we cuddled but he was still a little agitated - welcome to my world DH!

I hope he realizes that deal with the sKids all the time isn't as much fun as he thought and start to realize why I get so cranky sometimes.


Gabriels Mom's picture

Love it!

DH found that things are a lot harder for him without my help. Sounds like yours is learning that too...

checkedoutsm's picture

Lol! I love how he tried to discipline the skids with the squirt gun and it was a total fail

HungryEyes's picture

Love <3

step off already's picture

Good for you. This is what I need to do! It's hard though because most of the time my kids are home when SS is home and I don't like setting the double standard and try to be fair and treat everyone the same (even though the only one that is difficult and requires additional attention/ monitoring is SS).

Tuff Noogies's picture

awesome, sister, ain't it!!!! i had a very similar experience this past weekend also (i'll eventually do my own post when i get around to it) u hate to see them struggle with it, but it's SUCH a feeling of validation Wink