Anyone familiar with Bipolar misdiagnosed as ADHD and mismedicated?
My SD18, as you have read in my other blogs and posts, is likely bipolar (manic type) like her Dad. He and BM never had her diagnosed, out of willful blindness on his part, and not caring on her part. SD18 is now having daily panic attacks and suicidal thoughts.
Recently we found out from SD that she has a "psychiatrist" that she only sees to prescribe her Adderall for her ADHD, which we don't think she has. Her mom and grandmas co-conspired to convince her she had ADHD because they wanted to convince her that she was "flawed" and also this gives her BM access to prescription adderall, which we think BM is abusing.
Of course, we have no proof other than having dealt with BM's schemes for 10 years, which always use her daughters as pawns to get her something she wants. I am trying to get DH to ask SD18 if she is taking ADHD medication, as SD is very secretive about life at BM's and is usually in a foul mood when at our house.
My concern is, I recently found out that it is fairly common for people with bipolar to be misdiagnosed as AdHd, and medicated with Adderall or Ritalin without any mood stabilizer medication. This is very dangerous and can cause panic attacks,and extreme manic and depressive episodes. It clicked in my mind that SD18 is suffering from all those things, and she is known for taking medication sporadically ( she forgets) so her BM could very well be encouraging her to keep on it so that BM can swipe a few pills here and there without SD noticing. I have never known BM to pay for any doctor or dentist appointment without having an ulterior motive. She could care less if the kids have cavities or suffer from painful medical issues that are easily curable - and has proven this in the past by ignoring the kids' pleas to take them to the doctor - until we did or threatened legal action. . So why is she secretly paying for SD to get treated by a psychiatrist? We have had to take the kids to doctor appointments and pay out of pocket because she refuses to use her insurance for them, although they are on it. She doesn't want to pay her high deductible.
I know I sound a little paranoid, but if you had dealt with BM for as long as I have, you would find that highly suspicous too. She once dated a cabinet maker just because she needed new cabinets. Then she dated a car salesman and got a new car. All of these guys were dumped or dumped her within 2 months.
So, have any of you experienced someone you know being misdiagnosed as ADHD instead of Bipolar, and given Adderall or Ritalin? What symptoms/issues did they have because of this?
- Shieldmaiden's blog
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My two cents.
To my surprise ADHD and autism spectrum disorders do have many similar traits. Both exhibit differently and are harder to diagnose once people are adults with those conditions. I have been very aware of autism efffects and symptoms in children but as my son has grown to adulthood it's been a whole new ball game that he has now been learning to navigate himself, medication for both (ADHD and Autism) are similar and have helped him some. I chose to not medicate him for either when he was a minor, I had serious concerns about side effects and the unknowns. I try to not second guess this decision, especially since both are/were mild" in the case of my son. I feel like now that he's over 18 he can make that decision for himself. (He's very capable and researches everything extensively, so I feel he will do what he feels is best regardless)
Well, she is definitely not ADHD
She definitely does NOT have AdhD. She is not hyperactive at all. She is mostly depressed and sullen. She spends long hours focusing on detailed repetitive tasks like sewing, embroidering, and dollmaking. Even I don't have the patience for these tasks, yet she is happy as a clam doing this for 8 hrs or more. Then she switches to video games like Minecraft or Sims where she can build imaginary houses and characters.
She also has said odd things like: she looks in the mirror and sometimes doesn't recognize her own face. Once, while at our house, she covered all the windows because she stays up late (4 am usually) and was afraid a werewolf was "watching her from outside." She once said Ritalin didn't have any effect on her, but she took it because her mom wanted her to. She rarely talks to us unless we give her the third degree, then we get snippets of what is going on. I try to piece it together to figure out if we need to intervene.
Is the gift that keeps on given, if her BF is Bipolar most likely she is Bipolar from her parents. You can see Bipolar people whold personally change in a second. Happy one second , everyone picking on them the next second type of thing That not ADHD type of person
This is not how bipolar works.
This is not how bipolar works. People with bipolar cycle between mania and depression in terms of weeks and months and even years - not seconds or minutes. "Rapid cycling" bipolar is defined as having four episodes of either mania or depression a year. People with bipolar can certainly have quick changes in mood while either manic or depressed - but people can have quick mood changes even if they are not bipolar.
My SIL is a COD whose mother
My SIL is a COD whose mother medicated her for ADHD and depression rather than parent her. I suspect she actually is bipolar. She almost 30 now and her life is a mess and she and my brother are miserable. The isn't much hope without a proper diagnosis. These types tend to shop for therapists that will prescribe them whatever they want without holding them accountable.
Next visitation, have SD tested for the level of meds in her
system. If the concentration does not match her Rx. Contact the police and serve BM up on the legal prosecution platter.