shadyj's Blog
Is this normal???
Ok. So I'm having issues with the 9 yr old SS still. My question is.
Is it normal for a boy his age to be so clingy with his mother? He
just always has to be around her and usually if she's out of the room
For more than 5 min he has to know where she is or what she's doing.
His 5 yr old brother is more independant than him. And is it normal behavior
For him to have such an attitude? Everything's always an argument with him
Or he's just rude. He always calls people liars or makes remarks that girls can't
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I have been in a relationship for going on 10 months and everything about it is great except for the fact that there are 2 chilldren 2 SS 5 & 9. My gf moved to a different state to be closer to her family and I followed suit a month later. She had a job lined up as to where I did not. Not do to lack of trying. I've been here 3 weeks and am still looking. The problem is that I have pretty much taken on the parental duties due to her work schedule. The boys are very rambunctious as boys will be but I feel that when I have them there are rules they know to follow.
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