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The devil must be wearing a parka...

semi's picture

...because I’m pretty sure hell has frozen over. As many of you have read the older of my two step-sons has been a bit of a challenge over the course of the last year and has had issues with me in particular to the point of refusing to come to our house early in the summer. Over the course of the summer I/we worked through some of the issues (with help from many here) and things have gotten much better. He’s been with us the past 2 ½ weeks straight to work on a big homework project (it had to be done prior to leaving Wednesday on a vacation he’s very excited about)… so last Friday when his dad was taking him to school out of the blue he asked if he could move in with us, and then later that same day he asked me privately if it was okay with me. I think my jaw hitting the ground measured on the Richter scale! So, obviously this means we add another player to the custody battle we already planned on for the younger step-son… and obviously this means that if all goes well there will be two full-time teenage boys in the house (yikes!) but for the first time it feels like all of this is paying off and we have actually accomplished something – he sees that there is an alternative to the crazy-ville life style at his mothers house, and more importantly for the first time he is attempting to choose that alternative. Now all we have to deal with are just a ~few~ little items... like that huge custody battle and the “be careful what you ask for” stage as we all make the adjustment when the move in… and oh, there will be adjustments, of that I am sure! For now though I’m just happy to know that we’re getting through, we’ll deal with all the rest as it comes.


Rags's picture


Congrats. It is always nice when the Skids gain clarity on who is the healthiest parent for them to be with. Unfortunately in many blended family situations one parent or the other is not good for the kids and that leads to significant pain for the children.

Anyway, congrats.

Good luck and best regards,