Hey, guys!
I was asked for an update, so I decided to drop by and let everyone know what's been going on with my life.
As far as how I am doing... I've never been better! Let me tell you... the freedom of not having to worry about ex DH, Blabb, and Warthog is absolutely amazing! It is so incredible, I cannot even describe it in words. I love the fact that I can go where I want when I want and not have my plans intervened by Warthog. I don't have to waste all my money anymore on ex DH's bills cause he would waste his whole paychecks on Blabb and Warthog. I don't feel like I'm being weighed down anymore. I feel so free, and it is such a beautiful sensation.
School and work have been keeping me extremely busy, but I have been able to see my friends and be my age. I haven't been able to go out and be my young self for years. Ex DH noticed me going out with my friends more often and accused me of being out of control. This really ticked me off because he is trying to make me feel bad for breaking away and finally being able to be social with people my own age. I think he's just jealous cause I have money to have fun with friends and he's stuck at his mom's with no money because Warthog face snarfs all of it. Whatever! Not my responsibility. It never should have been my responsibility, but I have learned my lesson... and I will never make that mistake again! It's interesting... because my mom always taught me to never let a man walk all over me... and I always believed I was independent and no man could take advantage over me or control me. But now I see how I was wrong. :/ Ex DH was in control of me... he took advantage of me... everything about our marriage was a one way street and I was the only one who worked for it. It was a very poisonous... unhealthy marriage. And it's unfortunate it turned out that way because he can be a good husband sometimes.
We are still talking. Unfortunately my dad won't let me keep Beaux at his house because he doesn't want to take care of Beaux while I'm at work and school. So Ex DH has Beaux as of right now, but I am trying my best to find my own place so I will be able to keep my baby for good. Hopefully I can get an apartment before I take Ex DH to court cause I want complete custody over Beaux. I don't think Ex DH deserves him. I pay for EVERYTHING with Beaux. I pay for his food, his toys, and all of his essentials. Just last week we had to take him to the vet for heartworm test, and who paid for the visit? I did. Did Ex DH put anything in to help? Of course not. I'm grateful Ex DH has been willing to keep Beaux while my dad won't let me take him in... but what will happen if Ex DH gets full custody? He can't afford anything for Beaux. As far as everything else, Ex DH won't get anything. I own everything in my house. EVERYTHING. He has not put a single penny into anything we owned in there... so why should any go to him? I'm probably sounding like a BM right now, but I don't care. Why should I show Ex DH any mercy when he has shown me nothing but disrespect and a compete disregard for my feelings these past couple of years. I own that man nothing.
As far as the house... I'm in the process of selling it. It's all cleared out, and I'm hoping I can get this process out of the way so I can concentrate on the divorce, which won't be until the summer. The house is listed under my name only, and not Ex DH's so he has no say in what I do with it. Why should he? He never helped pay a single bill. NADA.
With Ex DH's family... well, let's just say they are upset. Not at me... but more at the situation. I love them to bits, but I haven't been over as much as I have been when I was with Ex DH. It's hard because I don't know what kind of relationship I am allowed to have with them if me and Ex DH are no longer married. I don't know what is appropriate. Perhaps a casual relationship? Maybe when the fire settles down?
Blabb doesn't say anything to me anymore. It's worse than before. Ex DH and I have a bowling league with two of our friends, and since it ends in two weeks, I decided to stick with it since I put money into it. And every Saturday Blabb has come over to the bowling alley. Has she said hi or asked how I've been or at least waved to acknowledge me? Nope! Oh well. I'm not crying over it! I don't have to deal with her brattyness anymore. Woohoo! Oh, and not to mention Warthog comes to the bowling alley now to come pick Blabb up... and she always has this smug look on her face. Do I care? Heck no! That woman can keep leeching off of Ex DH for all I care. I hope that for his sake he will finally grow a spine and keep it! If not, too bad for him. I don't care if Warthog sees this as a "victory" because guess what? I'm a free woman! I can find a man who will love me and respect me and treat me the way I deserve to be treated. I'll accomplish my dream and be a doctor and help many people in need. I'll have a family that I will raise properly and not guilt parent them and not let them run the house because children are not supposed to be the parents! Meanwhile, Warthog will remain alone because she is a bitter old hag who leeches off of men and bitches and moans when she doesn't get her way and controls everything because everything has to go the way she wants them to go. When Blabb grows up, she'll be out of control... I wouldn't be surprised if blabb got pregnant, got into drugs, got into trouble with the law, got into physical with Warthog, etc. It's not who is victorious anyway. It's about doing what's right for me.
Ex DH keeps asking me why we couldn't have talked this out... why I didn't give him a second chance. This blows me out of the water because I have tried to reach out for him. We tried therapy... we tried talking it out and changing things about me and him. What happened? He always fell back to the same routine. He certainly can't blame me for this when he would never listen.
I no longer feel guilty about this whole thing. At first I did because I wanted our marriage to work, and this hurt more than anything. But now I have been able to look at our marriage from the outside... and I realized how horrible it really was, despite me trying to sugar coat it. I'm so glad I broke free, and I can't wait to live my life without the burden of Ex DH and his spoiled rotten demon child and his bitchy ex wife.
Lesson learned, ladies. I'm never making the same mistake again! Never EVER ever EVER date/marry a man with children. EVER.
- secondwife20's blog
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I did not know you guys
I did not know you guys broke up.
I know your life is going to work out perfect for you. You're so young, smart, and georgus to boot.
He cannot keep Beaux by the way or I'll hunt him down and hurt him!!! That baby is YOURS!!!!
It's been months! That's
It's been months!
That's okay, chica. I miss you! We need to catch up. <3
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss
"Ex DH keeps asking me why
"Ex DH keeps asking me why we couldn't have talked this out... why I didn't give him a second chance."
LOL! That's hilarious, considering you gave him about 1,000 chances, and he never listened until you left.
Thanks for the update, SW20! It's great to hear all this. I'm so, so happy for you -- you deserve much better. And you know it!
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
Thanks, Belle. You've been
Thanks, Belle.
You've been so supportive, and I'm so glad you've stuck behind me this entire ride. I feel so much better, and I don't ever want to go back to that poisonous environment. This marriage could have been so much better, but it has to be two people... not just one! Oh well. I'm just glad I didn't wait ten years down the road to realize how much I needed to get out of the marriage.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss
Amen to that, sister!! Two
Amen to that, sister!! Two thumbs up!!
Haha... wouldn't that be
Haha... wouldn't that be nice?
You know, throughout the marriage I always wanted to have a child with Ex DH. I now realized I wanted a child because it would have made me feel important... that if I had Ex DH's child, he would give me the same amount of respect and attention he gave Warthog. It's kind of sad that I had to feel that way... and I'm SO glad it never happened! Ugh... could you imagine... this whole thing would have been much more worse with a child involved.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss
Good for you girl!!!! ****I
Good for you girl!!!!
****I can do bad all by myself****
So happy that you left that
So happy that you left that guy! I'm happy that your life is turning around!!!! You are entirely tooooo young to have all that crap you had to deal with on a daily basis! Good for you!!! Thanks for the update!
I'm so happy to hear that
I'm so happy to hear that you're doing well and living for yourself! It must have been so painful at first to do what was right for you. It's great to see that you've got such a healthy perspective.
Good luck with your puppy dog! And enjoy your freedom!
It's so good to hear from
It's so good to hear from you again. I am very happy for you. You are much too young to have to put up with that bull.
Congratulations on your new life and bright future.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Hey Secondwife, I've been
Hey Secondwife, I've been thinking about you lately, wondering how things are going.
I'm so happy your doing well!
Thanks for the update
****"She had his past. I have his future." The Lovely Belleboudeuse****
Girl u deserve all this
Girl u deserve all this happiness u now have. Think of how unhappy u were before, u were like a little shell of yourself, not fun, just depressed, controlled by ex dh...now u have freedom to do what's best for U! And u can realize ur dreams w nothing holding u back. So happy for u! I always knew u could do it, but sometimes doing what's best for us isn't the easiest thing. I'm proud u took that step no matter how hard it was at first. Hugs! And be sure to keep keeping in touch on FB!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
lol girl you know I'm on FB
lol girl you know I'm on FB all the time.
Thanks so much for all your support. <3
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss
SW, I am so happy for
SW, I am so happy for you!!!! (Insert happy dance) I've been wondering how you were doing, it's great to hear such wonderful news!!
(((Happy happy hugs!!!)))