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email from FIL

schambers's picture

So, inregards to ss23, I got this email from my FIL...

It seems to me that ss23 is doing what he does best and that is making friends that he can use.Throw him out without a bus ticket and he will be at your door step when you least expect it.He might not leave even with a ticket.But you guys need to discuss this with someone so words don't get out of hand.ss23 must go or your home is not yours.You must make this happen before he comes between you and dh and bs12.If this can happen and you have to drive him 50 miles away to a bus station and see to it that he gets on.He is a user and he is using you guys against one another. Gotta resolve it now before things get out of hand. Love DAD

FIL has said the same thing to DH a million times. This is also ss23's bio grandfather. He lives half a country away and sees it. Ugh.


somerg's picture
