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sc12's picture

I dont really need advice. Just need a little me time to vent. These last couple of months have been hectic and stressful. I am a stay at home mom of a 14 month old boy and my ss5 loves out of state. I do online schooling to get my degree and my husband works construction, worse yet concrete constructions. I try my hardest once a week at least to go visit all the grandparents in the area so they can see baby boy. OH yeah I also am 5 months pregnant. So I felt horrible because we had so much going on with mid terms, work, and everyone kept getting sick; we didnt go for almost 3 weeks to see everyone. Especially my grandfather, he loves my baby boy so much and he was beyond happy about the new one. He loves ss to but they dont spend a lot of time together because of the distance. He knew I was pregnant even before I did but he understood why we waited to tell everyone. SO we went and visited him and he was kinda upset it had been so long. He missed his little monster. Then the next week we went by again and visited like usual. A few days later I got my orders in and went to deliver them and went to my other grandparents house. Usually I only stay for about an hour but for some reason I stayed for almost three, even though my gut kept telling me to go see my grandfather. I decided I would go out the next day. (we live in a small desert hick town, long distances between places) On my way home i stopped and got diner and took it home to my husband who had thrown out his back that morning at work. Then I was going to let my husband get some rest and quiet and went to go to my moms house to see my dog. (we have a massive tick infestation that we are getting ride of, she is keeping my dog till its all clear.) I called her before I got diner and she said she would be home. When I got there no one was there. SO I called her to see what was going on. She then told be that my grandfather had collapsed and the emt was trying to revive him. I freaked out hung up and called my husband. Ran home picked him up and drove around waiting for them to tell me that he was at the hospital. They called when I got home to tell me they loaded him up and was going to the hospital. About 20 min later i got the call. It still does not seem real. He was gone.

Then two days later my baby starts throwing 102 and 103 temperatures. So I take him into the dr and they say we dont know whats wrong with him but give him these antibiotics. So now Im dealing with the loss of a close family member, sick baby, and hurt layed out husband. And I start contracting.

Then I get a call from one of dh family members telling me that its all my fault that mil and dh dont talk. No not my fault. I dont care if he does or doesnt talk to her. Oh and that bm, ss5, bm son, and bm bf moved back in with mil and bm just had a new baby.

Over whelmed a little and trying my hardest not to stress out to much so i dont go into preterm labor.


Onefootout's picture

I'm so sorry for your loss. You are handling this so well, I probably would have had a breakdown by now. I hope you will continue to vent on here.