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moocher story part duex LONG

sarahbernheart's picture

Ok so after 2 hours of little lord fauntleroy and daddy arguing and getting NO WHERE AND I MEAN no where, step mommy dearest had enuf. I waltzed in (more like stormed) and told his lordship that I did not care what he thought or what he expected, we were done. He has not earned the right to anything in our home and that his dad and I were fed up with his attitude and until he could prove to us that he wanted to be at our house and be part of the family he was not welcomed. and get this... he proceeds to text I look at FH and say where is the key cuz at that point I was done ..FSS puts his hands in his pocket STILL texting and tosses them onto the table. ALL this time and FH still hadnt gotten the keys?? wtf?? so I remained calm since my goal had been accomplished. so after another HOUR of trying to talk to this WALL of stupidity, I was done, oh FSS made an ideal threat that FH should just get his affairs in order??? wha??? FSS did not elaborate. For some reason this boy is EXTREMELY angry at his dad, he did not project that anger at me but man oh man his dad?? So FSS decides to clean up his "room" to get ready for the bon voyage. I am stunned by fss attitude and even feel sorry for FH so I let it drop however FSS falls asleep on the couch and then gets up long enough to text FH that he will be gone by the time we get up and his sh*t better still be here when he comes to get it. HA>>oh man if it were my son..his Sh*t would be out the door in the trash. So Thanksgiving actually turned out pretty nice, my youngest ended up staying home and we enjoyed our dinner NOT word one from FSS. So now if he needs to pick up something he needs to call and make sure we are home. oh yeah a week ago FH gets a text at 3:30am that FSS wants to come by at around 1pm when he should be up to get some stuff..can you believe the balls this boy has, and it was a work day for US slobs, (cuz he thinks working is stupid) oh and yard work and house work is all stupid and needless. I must say I am proud of FH he has not accomendated FS aka Peter Pan bullying. I tell you my friends I have never encountered ANYONE like FSS it was amazing how it was everyone elses problem but his. it was insane.
we did find out that he is staying at his mom, the same mom who kicked him out when he was 12 stb13 cuz he was unruly?? if I could be a fly ..
thanks for caring - the stress free living is great. oh wait his kids come this weekend. ugh.


sarahbernheart's picture

I truly dont understand this boy and you know what is really funny he was trying to use big boy words without even knowing what they meant.
he told us once that he did not need to go to school cuz he could learn everything he needed on Wikipedia OMG bawhahaha
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

bellacita's picture

"These are the same skids that, at a time in their development when firm boundaries and discipline could have been exercised to their advantage, they were coddled and babied and made to feel that they were in charge, not the parents."

this is exactly whats happening w SD...yeah, shes 3 now but this mentality is being instilled in her. BM feeds her, sleeps w her, babies her, coddles her, etc. DH doesnt do this when we have her but we've only got her 4 days a month. so its a bleak future i see but we'll keeep the hope up.

but youre sooo rite here...if they only could see theyre not doing these kids any good.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

sarahbernheart's picture

there were a few times I said to FH you are the parent not FSS.
the light was on but nobody was home...

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

bellacita's picture

i mean , he parents him but doesnt wanna be the heavy...doesnt wanna have to yell or discipline. hes gotten better bc ive opened his eyes to stuff. it was his response to his divorce...BM walked out and when she finally did decide to see them, she still had no parenting responsibilities. so DH was made to look the bad guy (not really, just a parent) but his relationship w SS20 is strained to this day bc of it. so i know he tries to avoid that w SS15.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

plantmama's picture

Amen! Add the BD to mix for firm boundaries and discipline as well. That guilty father syndrome doesn't help one bit.

sarahbernheart's picture

I doubt the ex would have done anything different cuz like her son it is NEVER her fault

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

sarahbernheart's picture

last I knew, he made an appearance on Sunday when my youngest was home to pick up some more of his sh*t and my son said FSS mom was with him, She did not come into the house..

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

Sarah101's picture

When H and I got together, he brought along his Prince, who was so much like your FSS, with the extra added joy of being addicted to pot and alcohol. BM had kicked Prince out of her home and he "hated her." He was lazy, out of work, never lifted a finger around the house (and H didn't expect him to), ate tons of food, and watched TV all day. We finally booted him for stealing and generally being foul.

Boy does the tune change when a Prince goes back to mommy! In our case, Prince is now the apple of the bipolar BM's eye and can do no wrong. Once she found out that her Prince now hates us and was treated so unfairly in our home, she flew to his rescue! They bonded in their mutual hatred of H and I. Not only that, but she kicked out a Princess so Prince could have her room!

Prince is living the good life again, and his mommy can enjoy every moment of paying for him now.

sarahbernheart's picture

that the ex is wallowing in new found status as the rescuer...
it wont last long trust me.
those two will kill each other before this holiday season is over.
greskin has spoken

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

sarahbernheart's picture

it was like pulling teeth though, FH danced around the may pole but NOT me girl ut uh no way.
and if I had my way his "stuff" would be outside in a big yellow trash bag.
but FH has stuck to his guns ..

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

now4teens's picture

As Mustang saig, YOU weren't the BAD guy in this scenario. YEAH!
And it doesn't seem like FH really was, either. It looks like FSS made up HIS mind that he didn't like it there anymore, and it was HIS choice to leave- back to mommy. Which is just perfect!

And it also looks like you and FH are both on the same page with regard to FSS' bad behavior- also a big plus.

I hope, for your sanity, that this is a long-term placement for FSS and that FH doesn't get weak and play the, "he NEEDS to be here where it's more stable" card when FSS becomes disenfranchised with mommykins- which I'm guessing will be soon.

But enjoy the quiet for now!

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

sarahbernheart's picture

if he plays that card, I can trump it..
the him or me card..

oh yea baby homey dont play

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

bellacita's picture

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin