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child supporrt?!

sanity23's picture

I really don't know where to start on this one. We kept hearing his ex complain about money so we told her to go to csr we got the papers sent them back verdict; she makes 40,000/ year he makes 23,000 and still has to pay 400 a month for cs plus he pays for another kid which is 300 a month so that leaves me with supporting him while he supports them. Did I mention we have a two yr old at home who is the one losing out. Neither his ex or their daughter go without anything! She asked for a iPad for bday a kid that asks for stuff like that is not a kid that goes without its a spoiled brat! To be quite honest I donteven want to be around her right now cause she whites worse than my two year old. I'm afraid I'm might say something. I'm note to bite my tongue. Our problems just seem to pile up did I mention we got into a fight over her trying to be a parent to our son and when I put up the white flag and said I'm leaving he busted my Apple computer and brand-new led tv. Then I find emails of him trying to holler at some girl and phone calls too, of course he denied the allegations and said his friend used his phone and now this. We don't fight over money but its like who the hell can't make it on making that kind money anyhow does the state make it so difficult for us to live on? I'm. Venting its overwhelming, his baggage and I've tried to adjust for three years. We can't afford rentanywhere so what's next? It makes me sick and sad to think about it but that's all I think about I'm considering just leaving him making on my own therewith just too much to deal. My SD don't like him so hewontlet him stay here not even for one nite and he wants me to. Bring it up to my SD which ill do whatever


sanity23's picture

I'm 29, the reason I don't is my son and I also know its going to be hard starting over and finding someone who will love me and my son. Idk what to do I'm completely stressed and everything keeps piling up!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Really?! You don't want to leave because you won't find anyone to live you and your son?! Don't you think your son deserves better? I mean it doesn't even sound like he really cares for you guys anyway. To me it sounds like he's using you. He has 2 BM's to deal with, plus kids...are you sure you want to involve yourself with thia guy?

WindX's picture

Starting over may seem hard but just think...the honeymoon phase can be the best part of a relationship. Starting over can mean having that *new love* feeling all over again. Wink

stepkate's picture

What a mess. He doesn't respect your belongings (possible violent streak here?) and then there is the possible cheating, which I've dealt with before.

What are the good qualities he has that make you stay?

Most Evil's picture

If you can't afford to live that is a serious problem. He sounds too messed up to be a good partner now.

He should try to get some specialized training to where he can earn more.

You can do better than this hon - there are plenty of fish, in the sea-!

Rags's picture

If it looks like dog shit, smells like dog shit and tastes like dog shit ...... it must be dog shit.

This guy is dog shit.

Not to support a divorce but IMHO it is time for you to go.

There are plenty of good guys out there who will love a woman with a child and raise your child as their own. In the situation you describe your husband being in, if you move out of state it is not likely that he will have much if any interface with your son.

Ending a exploitative if not abusive marriage when your child is 2yo is much easier than when the child is older and will remember and be adversely influenced by his characterless father. If BioDad ends up being able to afford visitation costs, so be it. Having the child visit the poluted end of his gene pool a few times a year is far better than being "raised" by his worthless (both as a person and finincially) BioDad full time.

Just my thoughts of course.

Best regards.

Good luck and best regards.