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How do we define "Family Pictures"

sanity's picture

I need a reality check. At my sd confirmation, we had planned everything and her bm decided not to come to our house afterwards for the gathering for her. So after church, I was going to head home to get the finishing touches done on the food and my husband asked me rather urgently to wait because his ex wanted to take pictures with everyone for her bd. (I should say that we share custody 50/50) Anyway, while there my so's ex told him to come over to her for a family picture and then she also pulled their BS into the picture as well. She then pulled everyone in close. After that I was a teeny bit furious because after taking pictures with her new husband, the comment was made, "Lisa I suppose we should get at least one picture of you with my children." I have no problem with pictures to mark events but I think family pictures are different now. We are all a family. I am really trying to be civil but his ex has now started telling people that I work with that I was seeing her husband behind her back and the truth was that she stepped out on him their last nine years of marriage. I try to be fairly even keeled but am I out of line for her to now be labeling family pictures as pictures of her and her ex with the kids and her and her new husband? I try to make events special for all of our kids. My SD and SS were told by their mother that I am the only reason that their mom and dad don't get back together. That is not good for the children at all. I am really confused because my ex and I have a great relationship! I really mean that. What do I do and how should I define family pictures?


Bonus Wife's picture

I had the same problem at sd communion. Instead of saying to the kids...okay, now I'd like a picture with you kids, me and your dad...she yelled out...Lets take a family picture....and it was the ex, my dh and the kids (we were engaged). All i could think was that NO, you guys aren't a family anymore...don't use that word! Next time, I'm getting my ass in there too or I'll ask her to please rephrase. This is one I haven't really figured out yet but I share your annoyance.

Anne 8102's picture

You'll ham for the camera, but are afraid of the phone?! Hmmm, now I'm wondering what your reaction would be to all sorts of other devices. How do you feel about microwaves?! Wink Love ya... MEAN IT!

~ Anne ~

Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)

Anonymous's picture

Aside from the fact she is as nutty as a fruitcake, you guys probably should have been more prepared and figured she would pull this. Basically there isn't a family anymore with your husband, lol. So my advice would be next time to politely say no thanks and leave promptly. No your husband should not be in pictures with her period, so pretty simple there, but I'm sure she got a real thrill out of making you uncomfortable. Again tell hubby no more family pictures with ex or don't try and get everyone together for these events. Let ex have her own swaree for bd and you guys have yours. Is that not more logical?