When DH/SMs get full/primary custody
Do the BMs keep sucking as parents/get worse/maybe even end up leaving the picture or do they get more controlling so they don't lose control to the SM?
What do you think about it?
- sandy1234's blog
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I am actually living this.
I am actually living this. In the past year BM went from sharing joint legal and physical 5050 with my husband to not even having visitation. As of now my husband has full physical. BM, DH and myself share joint legal and BM has no visitation. We still let SD go over every other weekend though to see that side of her family. BM does not contact us or SD ever, at any point during the weeks. BM's mother will contact us the day before the "every other weekend" that she goes over there. I think BM just kind of gave up once she lost custody.
Did she put up a fight to
Did she put up a fight to keep her claws in to spite you or DH? As a desperation/control thing?
Well, she did in her head,
Well, she did in her head, but in her actions she did absolutely nothing. She never contacted the GAL, she didn't even try to get visitation on paper. She would tell SD things like, "Soon you are going to be living with me permanently." And even now she tries to act like because my husband DECIDES to let SD over there that it is the same as legal visitation. Apparently she thinks she has her daughter, legally, every other weekend.
She was in jail for a while though. Originally my DH had full custody but it was my bright idea for him to seek CS from her..that is where she flipped it around and won 50% custody and pretended to be MOMMY OF THE YEAR for a few months before falling back into her old ways. Ugh.
My goodness! Well, thank
My goodness! Well, thank goodness this child has the two of you looking out for her. Great job.
DH is about to get full
DH is about to get full custody of SS5. BM is not involved with "her child", doesn't give a crap, only makes an effort to compete as MOTY, lazy, doesn't support herself, only cares about her new baby(even her friends/family say so).
DH's family thinks once we get custody she'll drop off our map, but I don't think she'd want me to "win", so to speak.
I have a feeling BM is going
I have a feeling BM is going to get knocked up sometime soon. If she does, I feel really bad for SD. I know that it would hurt SD to see her mother taking care of and loving a new baby but not her.
It's so sad...SS5 just stares
It's so sad...SS5 just stares at her/the baby. I can always tell what he's thinking, even if he's silent. It's a, "Why..? What's the difference between me and him?" look. Makes me want to cry for him..
OMG when did she say that
OMG :jawdrop: when did she say that last sentence???!
Lmao what a crock! I read
Lmao what a crock! I read that in your blog the other day. Didn't remember your SN though. Man! So what's happened since then on the topic? I am SO following this story
That "full cooperation" text
That "full cooperation" text made me lol as well
Just be cool/be yourself. After 10 minutes with you, they'll see it was just the same old Badmouthing BM spouting BS. Don't sweat it, girl 
I'm the other one with a BM
I'm the other one with a BM who speaks in tongues. She is uber religious and I'm just waiting for the day that she decides that DH is her one true husband in a biblical sense.
I'm going to be ready with the scripture about how once an ex wife has gone and "lain with another" she must not ever be taken back.
My husband's ex wife laid
My husband's ex wife laid with several others before she was even an ex.
Sadly, my SDs bm left the
Sadly, my SDs bm left the picture once we got custody. I think it had to do with her receiving no cs. She missed that cs-she got her nails done with it, hair dyed with it, designer clothes, but her kids were neglected and sexually abused while she was living it up with cs money.
What a sad POS.
What a sad POS.
Skids BM was a nightmare when
Skids BM was a nightmare when DH first got custody - stalking and harassing him, constant calling, texting, PAS'ing the skids. He lived 70 miles away from me and wanted to move to my town, and she dragged him through court to try and stop him from moving on the grounds that she didn't have a job and couldn't afford travelling expenses to see her kids (never occurred to her to get off her fat ass and get a job instead of living off welfare). He got permission to move with her getting a monthly weekend and half of school holidays plus phone contact, and she continued her phone harassment and PAS, made it as difficult as possible to arrange contact visits and demanded money to feed the kids when they were with her. Once when they were with her for holiday contact she rang dh and threatened to take the kids to the social work department as she claimed to have no money to feed them. He called her bluff and refused to send money and nothing else came of it, so she was obviously trying to stir up trouble and hoping to get some cash out of us. He's had custody for 6 years now and because he doesn't entertain her crap and give in to her, she's calmed down a lot. She still has an occasional tantrum, usually over holiday dates if she thinks dh and I have some couple time planned, but once dh sticks to his guns she backs down. It's all about control. She hates not having day to day control over the skids as she is a total control freak and has never got over the fact that dh got custody. She's extremely jealous of the fact the skids live with us and not her, is obsessed with money and has this misconception that we have a wonderful lifestyle, when in reality we work hard, budget carefully and use what little we have left over for luxuries like short breaks, days out etc.
The only way to deal with these bm's is to not buy into their bullshit. DH's need to stick to their guns and not let their ex's order them around. Don't feed into their attention seeking and communicate by text/email only, making messages as brief as possible and ONLY discussing skids. Keep skids out of any arguments with bm. She will probably try to drag them into things and give them bullshit stories, but not stooping to her level will help skids realise when they get older just what a liar bm really is. I think my skids are beginning to see that now. SS11 has always been bm's little pet, but lately he doesn't seem as bothered and we think he's started to see the light. These shitty bm's are all about control - take that away from them and they have nothing left.
Now THAT is what I'm afraid
:jawdrop: Now THAT is what I'm afraid of! Luckily DH does not care for B"M" or her attention-seeking antics one bit. SS5 already knows what's going on in relation to how B"M" treats him/is and how DH and I are. Sadly, SS told me last month that he wants to call me Mom and call B"M" by her first name. And that is exactly what he's been doing. Says a lot considering what an intelligent, well behaved(with our side of fam), aware 5 year old he is.
Well........... BM lost the
BM lost the kids due to neglect and abuse. After all the court and other bs, she had 1 year to get them back. She refused to get her own free apartment/house b/c she was so sick she needed to live with an adult (she has the mentality of a 10yo anyway), her job that the Judge ordered to support her kids was selling Avon and she just didn't understand why the judge wouldn't give them back.,
So BM resorted to PASing the crap out of first OSS, once he moved back with her, he ended up in jail for the past 2 years. Then on to the mentally fragile YSS, he went back to live with her and is currently in the court system...really hoping they get him into a structured home for kids like him.
Now BM hasn't been able to crack SD yet b/c wants thing in life...for now. I'm sure SD will be smoking, drinking and snorting pills with Momma one of these days and then she will be knocked up or in jail too.