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Refusing to deal with BM - immature?

sammmx's picture

So after all the crap that has gone down the past few months, I have basically refused to deal with BM, do anything that benefits her, etc. No more favours from me. I don't want to see or hear from her for as long as I can help it.

So right now BM is only "ALLOWING" us to see the SKids from 5:30-7:30 every Tuesday (convenient, as that's what CAS allowed her when she was 'under investigation' it's like she's trying to get pay back for something we had no control over!) while she is in therapy because she needs a babysitter. And of course BF is a free babysitter! So anyway they get here yesterday at 5:30 and BF asks me to answer the door because he's playing a video game. I said, "Uh no, you can." He freaks! And calls me an asshole and storms off to the door. So of course we barely exchange 2 words the whole time the kids are here...

Finally the kids leave and of course BF is upstairs when BM gets here and I begrudgingly answer the damn door and deal with her rat-faced crackhead self and ship the kids off. So once everyone is gone, BF basically tells me to 'get over' what ever issue I have with BM because she's always going to be around and is like "But of course you're so god damn immature you HAVE to hate on the ex, you don't even know her." To which I responded, "Exactly, I don't know her and I don't want to know her. YOU chose to make her a part of YOUR life, I did not." Basically I don't think I should have to interact with someone I don't like if I don't want to. It's not my responsibility! I didn't fucking reproduce with her! But of course that makes me immature, and that means I'm trying to start drama.

Our argument ended with me storming upstairs, locking myself in the bedroom and AVOIDING him. I texted him briefly this morning to let him know the puppy he wouldn't let me adopt got euthanized today. Which I also blame him for (entirely other rant ha). So chances are we will not be speaking much when he gets home tonight. Ugh, this has been a bad week already.


ThatGirl's picture

He's too lazy to pause a video game to answer the door for his own children and calls you an asshole??? Why are you still there?

Willow2010's picture

He is just a BF right? And a really bad one at that right? And you are only 21 right? Girl, why are you letting yourself get treated like this? You know he is a terrible person, yet you stay. I know all about love and all that crap, but is this how you want the rest of your life?

Disneyfan's picture

I hope one day soon you find it in your heart to love yourself just a tiny bit more than you love that jerk. Once you do, you will be able to leave his ass.

sammmx's picture

My parents don't really say anything. My mom seems to think that I cause all the drama in our relationship and with BM, that if I just accepted the way things are I'd be okay. And I've alread graduated college and have a full time job in my field. He does/did provide for me all summer while I was unemployed and in all aspects EXCEPT those involving BM/Skids he is great to me. I always imagine how amazing our life would be if BM and Skids did not exist. Sigh.