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Going Better Than I Thought

Sam2's picture

Well this is actually going pretty well.  He stays up all night and sleeps all day. I only see him every couple of days in the late afternoon.  Occasionally earlier.  He actually washed his car a couple of weeks ago after his dad asking him for quite awhile.   He's still not joining the family for meals which has become kind of interesting.   Two weekends ago his dad made hamburgers on the grill, cooked SS the way he liked it and put it on a plate in the kitchen calling down to him that it was ready.   Ten minutes later its still sitting there, the rest of the hamburgers are ready and everyone comes into the dining room, gets their hamburgers and we sit down to eat.  SS hamburger still sitting there.  We finish, clean up the ktichen and go about our evening.   Sometime later SS comes up and asks how long he needs to warm his hamburger for.  Why not have eaten it warm in the first place.  He could've eaten it and been done before the rest of us sat down which is what I have decided he does.  He also has started eating a bowl of cereal at 4:00 so he's not hungry for dinner at 5:00 but comes up 6:30 to look for leftovers.   Several times after we sit down to watch TV about 7 he'll come up and down the stairs four or five times opening cabinets and drawers and coming up at 10:00 to bang around the kitchen making dinner. He turned down tacos to have instant 98 cent ramen.  Oh well its funny.   

Last night was a first.   I couldn't sleep so I got up to read.   After reading about two hours I headed back to bed, as I was entering my room I heard him come into the kitchen and start washing the five dishes and two pans he had left in the sink from his 10:00 PM dinner preparation.   Woke up this morning and lo and behold all the dishes except the two pans had been washed and left to dry on the drying rack.   We'll see what today brings, we're having hamburgers again. 


Kes's picture

Perhaps he's "on the turn" into a vampire lol! Although if that's the case, he'd probably rather have meat than noodles, you'd think.