Ahoy! From Sailor Girl.
My last instalment was around May, 3 months ago.
Life is good! Still not divorced, seems to be taking an age as STBXDH finds it completely foreign to be honest and frank about his assets. I moved back into the marital home because.... well.... to piss him off. No not really, I did it because all my stuff is in the area we live, gym, doctor, dentist, psychologist and...........NEW LOVE !"Blush"!
I met a really nice guy (5 years my junior, but who's counting anyway) who has NO CHILDREN, NONE, NADA. He's 42 and handsom and horney and an amazing lover. And that's just it.... we are just lovers.... no strings attached and I'm loving the experience.
He's also going through a break-up so we are just really leaning on each other for comfort and hot sex!!!! I like it - a lot!
The divorce is contested so could take around 2 years to finalise, so in the meantime, I'm living the best life I possibly can under the circumstances.
Love you girls
- Sailor's blog
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You know, I think being a
You know, I think being a step is not so bad, but the key is to have a very supportive husband and extended family. I do miss SD1; she has become lovelier as a teen - can you believe that? But! When I log onto this site and I read the title of blogs, I cringe, I get that same sick feeling in my stomach that I had for 11 years and I am thankful I am out of the situation.
What I have learned in my situation is that DH and his family were all liars - and I believed the worst about BM. That was a mistake as it clouded the way I thought about everything. DH should have been held accountable all those years. I am so ashamed that I believed him and did not do my own homework; maybe I would have left sooner.
Glad to hear everything is
Glad to hear everything is going well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great update, sailor!!! you
great update, sailor!!! you sound mentally in a much better place too, i'm very happy to hear that.
contested divorces SUCK big hairy donkey balls.
Hey Sailor ! Your life sounds
Hey Sailor ! Your life sounds so much better than it did last year. Hope your life continues to brighten as you shed the baggage of STBxDH. Thanks for the update.
Glad to hear things are good
Glad to hear things are good in your world now! I remember how sad your story was! Proof that if we keep on keeping on, it WILL get better
It is so hard to believe it
It is so hard to believe it when you're going through it..... and I literally thought I would die. Now I know first hand that it DOES get better and I'm so fortunate to have had the support here and with my therapists.
Yay! So glad you are better.
Yay! So glad you are better. It will take more time but you are doing a great job so far. Enjoy it.
How does EX idiot feel about the new BF? Is EX still with BM 2?
Hey Willow! I'm not sure if
Hey Willow! I'm not sure if ex knows I have a yummy new man, but I do stay over at his place quite often. I don't really care what he thinks and to be honest, I don't think he cares either way. Yes he is still with BM2. Their relationship is now 2 years old and mine is shiny, sparkling and new.
Hello, sweet Sailor! Thanks
Hello, sweet Sailor! Thanks for checking in. You sound happier, healthier, and better in every way. Enjoy the rest of your life away from that stepmess!
Great For you! There is life
Great For you! There is life after Steplife !!!!
Why is STBex contesting the divorce ? Wasn't he cheating?
Indeed. It's not that he
Indeed. It's not that he doesn't want the divorce, it's that he refuses to divulge his assets so we can reach a settlement. Fine by me... I can carry on living here as free as a bird forevermore for all I care. He also has to pay me alimony in the meantime.
What a chop! He's really messed up his life.

Good for you, SG! Glad to
Good for you, SG! Glad to hear you're enjoying life.