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They aren't even here yet and I'm dreain' the drama

sadstep's picture

Well, bf is flying back from working in NY tonight at 8:00. He goes 1st thing in am to get skids and I'm dreading it already. I have been alone for two weeks straight during which it was my birthday and his birthday. I guess I'm whining or venting. But you know they have their mother and I am alone. My family doesn't live here. I know I know, but I just want to get this out... I don't want to have his kids the entire weekend. Saturday and Sunday night. I work two jobs and next week I'll be back at it and will have NO time. If he even suggests getting them next weekend I think I'll puke.
Because my birthday gets ignored. No flowers sent, nothing and I bet his kids wish him a happy birthday (yesterday) and mine doesn't even get mentioned. I'm just supposed to take care of sd8 and cook and clean up after everyone make everyone else birthday cakes and buy them presents and all the while bf spends qt on ss11.

Yeah, I know I sound jealous, but at some point I as a person will need some qt. When? I know kids are more important than adult time right?! Not buying it everyone. I don't feel you can give a child a good start in life by ignoring yourself mainly because he in turn will ignore himself after all, I was a child once and still have quite a lot to contibute to life and those around me.. so isn't time with me important as well? isnt' my birthday worth celebrating? We'll see and I'm gonna have a tough time trying to keep up a good attitude this weekend. posts will be numerous.
Or I could be surprised?! Don't want to get my hopes up for anything because I'll get ignored..


Kiby's picture

I'm not surprised you are feeling low.

It's so much worse around what are supposed to be special days.

If you are lucky, your birthday ends up being a reason to treat the skids!!!???!!! And they think they are doing you a favour!!!!

No advice - just a note to say I'm thinking about you.


sadstep's picture

Thanks Kiby, They probably won't even mention it. All will be focused on bf's birthday. Mine will get ignored. Thank you for thinking about me, I'm suprised your on. We're still busy with year end and I'm getting ready to go home thought I would get this "gloom" and "doom" feeling that seems to be growing over me all afternoon out. I don't want it to ruin my weekend and I thought If I get iti out on ST I'll feel better, I hope!
I'll write soon, promise!!! xo back at ya...

Bradybunchmom's picture

OOOOHHHH me too!!!! My birthday is sunday, and I get to take care of everyone elses birthdays and I KNOW my dim-witted fiance hasn't planned a single thing for me Sad ah well.

fairies623's picture

I feel you completely, I have my stepkids every other wknd & I HATE & DREAD these wknds (tomorrow), when they are here, I have 4 kids of my own & I'm a stay @ home mom my wknds r supposed 2 b relaxing & quiet when my bf is home, but when they come its all about them and my ss8 is the NEEDIEST most annoyin kid ever! UUGGHH! ur not alone...just try to relax & have a glass of wine or 2, I usually stay in my bedroom all wknd or go out 2 keep away from them...i don't think it's right that ur bday was ignored tho, he should have at least given u a lil somethin...hope all goes well

sadstep's picture

Thanks, it isn't right, but I'm not going to stay in my bedroom. I figure I annoy them as much as they annoy me, so when I have the urge to hide in my bedroom, I just remember that fact. I've also realized it's the bf who annoys me more with his no discipline, ss11 does no wrong attitude. I'm glad it's over. HOpe yours wasn't too hard on you. Wow that's a lot of kids, bless you! You're a better woman than I. I could hardly handle the one I have BS20!!