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RustyHalo's Blog

I had the best Christmas!!!!! If you read my blog, you will get some BM updates. What a Biotch!!!!!!!

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The skids were with us Christmas morning and they opened presents and it was wonderful. Then we had to take them to the BM's house. We met up with some friends and found out that BM was scrounging around at all the local bars and receiving money from friends of ours for her kids for Christmas!!! She has everyone convinced that she is hard up for money.

How old should a child be before you explain to them about mommy's "problem" ?

RustyHalo's picture

Our BM has a drinking problem. She NEVER has any money for necessities which means we HAVE to pay for this stuff. We have 50/50 custody and BM gets $800 a month CS. She also works (when she's not hungover). The skids will be sent to our house and tell us they have no lunch money, or no money for halloween costumes, or no money for school pictures, is never ending. BM lives in a house her dad owns and although she is supposed to pay rent, we know she doesn't.

OK....I forfeit....I give up....I'm waving the white flag....BM wins......and my skids lose.

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So Friday was the Christmas party for SD8 and SD10. I am head room mom for SD10's class. I had weeks of preparation for this party. I came up with a craft for the kids to make, a game for them to play, and I also baked 8 dozen cookies on Thursday for both parties because BM was unable to bake anything or even send in a bag of chips, or a 2 liter, or anything.......and she had also told the skids that she would be unable to attend.

Just so you know...............I changed my user name.

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No more FifthWheel. I refuse to take a back seat, nor feel like the fifth wheel. I picked my username, because people have tole me I'm an "angel" and I always come back and say "But, my halo IS a little rusty!"...........also, the rusty halo covers up my horns!!

Off to do some work at the office.

Have a great day ladies and a WONDERFUL weekend!

RustyHalo (formerly known as FifthWheel42)

Am I overstepping my boundaries?! Am I overzealous?

RustyHalo's picture

I watched some of Dr. Phil yesterday. Although, no two situations are ever EXACTLY the same. I did take to heart the comment that the one SM may be "overstepping her boundaries, and over zealous."
I feel that I am doing the same things with my skids that I did with my kids when they were young. Their BM has no interest in doing the things I do - like being a room mother, planning parties, making Dr. appointments and taking them etc..........

FH had to spill the beans.....I saw him going through my phone.

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I asked him what he was doing. I was thoroughly confused because he has never done anything like this before and I know he trusts me completely. He spilled the beans and told me that he is planning a surprise birthday for me on Friday and he needed a couple numbers from my phone.

Just a little funny story for all you WOMEN on here.

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Last night we were over at my FH's parent's house. I needed to de-bug their computer for them.
Anyways, they had just bought this new blood pressure machine and they wanted to take everybody's blood pressure. Okay, my blood pressure has always been a very healthy 90 over 60 or 100 over 70. Like I said VERY healthy. FH's blood pressure used to be sky high and now he's on meds and so it will usually run around 130 over 75 or something along those lines.

So, I go first - Mine was 136 over 76.

FH's - 112 over 70.

You ever want to yank the phone out of his hand and speak for yourself and defend yourself?

RustyHalo's picture

This happens all the time to me. Well, most of FH and BM's conversations happen when I'm not around, but when she calls and we're home - it drives me insane. I am the biggest thorn in her side and I can't seem to do anything right. I can't help it that because of her laziness as a mother, that I have to pick up her slack. Do I want to raise two little girls who aren't mine? No, not really, been there done that. But I chose my FH and everything that comes along with him. I am ALL in - period.
