New here and YES a place to vent!!! I have been holding it in!!!
I am so happy to see others having issues with overbearing BM. When I met my now husband, his ex would even bring their kids over for me to babysit while she and her boyfriend went out on the town. Well, they decided after they got super drunk one night and he punched in her windshield that they were going to give up drinking and drugs and become born again Christians. This is when our lives went all to hell, pun intended. My husband(then bf) had a seizure late one night and one of my sk got up and saw him on the floor. Somehow, this turned into me punching him down. The BM put an ex parte order of protection on me, stating the children said I hit their father, that I was a "bad person" (only one child got up through the whole ordeal and she stated daddy's legs were shaking but somehow all three saw me hit him). The paperwork even said his legs were shaking. When asked, the nine year old said she didn't say that I hit him, that the 5 year old did (who never woke up) and mommy threatened to spank her thinking she was lying. So the child said whatever she thought her mommy wanted to hear. So I could not be around the children for a few weeks until court (amazing how easy it is to get one of these with no proof) but in court the judge pretty much made her look stupid because she had filed it against someone she didn't live with and never had (she had put her own name on it hahaha idiot) and the order states in plain english who the order is made to protect and what it is for. He asks her if I have ever threatened her or her children and luckily she didn't lie. She said no. The judge told her if she really thinks I am a threat to her children she needs to go put a restraining order on me. So this angers her so she goes the very same day and puts one on dh, stating again that I am a bad person and that children should not be around him because of domestic violence. She even brings it to school before he is even served it, screaming and causing a scene in front of their children and their peers that he is not to be around them. Well, he goes to court a couple weeks later and the judge sees where the child had mentioned the shaking of the legs and orders them to mediation. In mediation she won't give him Sunday, his day off, with the kids for church purposes so, being the nice man he is, he agrees. So he gets them 3 days a week, and her 4. From all this court crap, we went broke and had to rent a 2 bedroom to get back on our feet. We had my 2 children then when we got his, they shared a room 6 nights a month. For them, it was great. They all missed each other very much. They view each other as brothers and sisters and this ordeal lasted 5 months. Well, she decides our home isnt big enough and takes out a restraining order to stop overnight visitations because of the children sharing a room. She wanted us to sleep in the living room and the children be seperated. Well, when she did that in her own home, the oldest walked in on her and her bf having sex in the living room, their "bedroom". Nice. So much better than little kids sharing a room while we get back on our feet from being knocked off by her court crap. SHE was the whole reason we lost our 3 bedroom home and now she attacks us again! Well, this time when they went to court, I couldn't get off work. She stated I called her a f@#%ing b*%$# to her children (which the kids all state they don't know where she got that from and all three say she lies)and the judge believed her because I wasnt there to defend myself and saw me working as a lame excuse. He then stated that I am not to be around my fiancee until we are married and neither are my children. We have resided together for 2 years and now I can't be around them. Sua sponte paramour provision. What happened to my civil rights here? SO......I had to plan a wedding in TWO WEEKS and even after that she won't agree to allow the children around me and waits on responding to the paperwork. In fact, her husband told the children he sits outside our home and watched to make sure they aren't there. My now husband had to keep them overnight only at his dad's house because he had told the judge I had no where to go. The BM husband enjoyed calling and saying we are leading the children down the pathways to hell, that my husband is going to be struck down by God and he will laugh, won't allow my dh to speak directly to the bm, he has to go through him about their children , you know, real control freak crap. He called the cops because my husband walked his children out to their car and they had told him not to. When I said it's a free country and freedom of speech he yelled "LIVE BY THE LAW, DIE BY THE LAW" while he was on the phone with the law. hahaha Weirdo. Anyways, my husband had to bring me the debit card so I could get myself and my kids some food. His kids were in the van and they saw me at the front door and I waved. The BM filed contempt papers against my dh for the kids seeing me. We were married, like the judge said, but she gets to not answer the paperwork we filed because her lawyer dropped her. She refused to negotiate and just waited for us to have to be around each other so she could file contempt. Good Christian woman. Well, the judge is an old senile a**hole and didn't even remember why I couldn't be around the kids. When she began her spiel, he asked why we couldn't be around. The courtroom snickered. The intense amount of screwing with our lives that this judge did, and he doesn't even remember it. I wanted to smack him. He threatens 2 days in jail for contempt but suspends it and says anymore contempt and he will go to jail. Now, the bm is keeping the clothing we buy. The boys like skulls. It's what's in right now. They like skater stuff. Well, my ss wore some of my bs shirts to school on her days and she decides to keep them, and send a replacement shirt of her approval!!!!! She states skulls are not appropriate for a little boy and since she is replacing them, she doesn't have to give them back!! And with a note that states they will not be celebrating Christmas this year (they have changed churches a few times the last 18 months and are now Jehovah's Witnesses) since she has the major decision making now (judge made that sua sponte decision this last time in court for the contempt). She states Christmas is a pagan holiday (which funnily we pointed out last year and she fought us to the death on that one) and they are not having any christmas parties and are not allowed to celebrate it at our house. The kids are devastated. We of course have the tree up, the stockings, and Santa will come. We will not have my kids wake up that morning with presents while the sks just watch. Santa is coming to our house. We will have to explain to her that we don't celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday, it's celebrated as a tradition and a national holiday so that she can't hold him in contempt again. We are Agnostic and she gives us crap about being non religious all the time so how can she even say we are having a religious event at our home. It will never end. I am waiting for the next set of court papers to be filed. What will be next. I am so tired of this.
- rusticporch's blog
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Oh yeah, and now that we have
Oh yeah, and now that we have a giant 6 bedroom farmhouse to accomodate our large family thanks to saving for that 12 month period, she complains about our use of the space, that we don't give them all their own rooms and instead have a playroom and a music room so we just "entertain" them instead of disciplining them. They are little kids who won't even go upstairs by themselves because they are too scared. None of them even wanted their own rooms. And having a play room and music room have nothing to do with our discipline. Nothing will ever be good enough. I am smelling jealousy much more than caring about the kids' welfare. Sad.