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Finally a silver lining..biomom's own biomom going to bat for dh in court!

rusticporch's picture

Crazy biomom has finally been noticed to be crazy by her own biomom. Apparently she has refused visitation of the skids to her just like DH and so she is going to get involved. It's about time someone else noticed the insane amount of mental abuse going on with my little skids at their biomom house. Court is tomorrow. Hopefully we will have a lawyer good enough this time to get everything out on the table. Unfortunately, our attorney even mentioned that this chancery judge doesn't follow rules, or the law. He does what he wants, as we have seen in the past year, and I just don't understand how a judge can just do whatever he feels like, despite the law. Anyone else had issues with renegade judges or heard of any?


Leigh's picture

Unfortunately, I don't know much about crazy judges, but I do know about crazy BMs, they often have crazy BMs of their own! My SDs BGM is a real piece of work, and started demanding visitation from us when BM and she stopped talking, even though we only had SD on weekends back then... Good luck!