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Rosedeer1's Blog


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Well my SS is sick and has 3 different medications and his BM gets her visit tomorrow and since it is spring break he will be with her until Sat. usually she only gets him wed and EOW but now she gets him wed. - Sat. so we have to send the medicine with him and I do not know if I should just walk it out to her or let my 5 year old SS carry it out, her and I do not talk she hates me,she is going to hate the fact that she has to come to my house to pick him up because I teach and have spring break off, and my DH will not be home until 5:30 so she gets me.


Rosedeer1's picture

So as we all know I do not have a good relationship with BM actually it sucks, so the other day was my SS birthday and his BM made cupcakes to take to school however his school does not allow outside food in, and she knows that but she told my DH who cares what are they going to do if I just show up with the cupcakes, well SS was sick all week and did not go to school the only day BM offered to watch him was on his birthday, and when my DH picked him up he brought home 4 cupcakes and a bag of goodies for our foster daughter, well I was pissed 3 years of her tring to ruin our lives and know


Rosedeer1's picture

Crazy BM has not been crazy for a while, so I should be overly happy but instead I am tring to figure out what she is up to. When I check her myspace, which I really need to stop doing, she is working out or going out with friends, can she be that okay with losing placement? This is the women who tried for 3 years to ruin my life and split my DH and I up because I was not going to be around her son. I have had her arrested 2 times and she has called my work to get me fired 3 times and wrote a letter, she has called DSS to get our foster daughter taken away whom we are now adopting.


Rosedeer1's picture

Well as you may know my DH decided to get his son Sunday and talked with BM about why he does not want him to stay overnight on a school night. BM says son still poops his pants at her house, but he does not do it here and he sings the song crazy bitch on the bus because that is what she chooses to listen to with her 4 year old in the car and she only sees him wed. and EOW.


Rosedeer1's picture

Well my DH decided to not let SS stay the night on a school night at his BMs. I do not know if it was me or his aunt and uncle but my DH told me he was going to pick SS up on Sunday because it was a school night and SS is doing so much better these past 2 months with potty trainning and not whinning all the time, and just being a 4 year old. DH told BM until she can be civil and until the appeal is over and until she can call his house and not his cell to talk to SS and until her parents stop threatening his life then he can not stay over on a school night.


Rosedeer1's picture

Well I think I have been watching too much Sex and the City, however, they make life seem grand. So my DH is probably going to let my SS stay sun. night at his BMs. We have placement and it is her weekend, however I do not feel a kid should be at someone elses house on a school night even if it is his moms the court gave us placement for structure and consistancy. My DH does not see the problem because Monday is mommy take your kid to school day so my DH feels no problem to let SS stay the night for her to take him to school on mon.


Rosedeer1's picture

Well if you know my story you know that we have been fighting in court for 2 years and finally my DH won placement of SS who is 4, for those of you following no one was ever the CP because they agreed in mediation to have split custody and placement my ss went back and forth every 3 days until the 9th daycare move BM made and my DH could not watch his son have to adjust to yet another daycare because BM did not like it if the daycare would talk to me. I am a teacher where I live and know a lot of daycare providers they never told me personal things but would talk to me, I am humane.


Rosedeer1's picture

Hey my DH stopped cs and now is taking BM to court for cs, I bet she is pissed. In case you do not know, we have been in court for 2 years fighting for placement and we won, before it was every 3 days. Now DH does not have to pay her 150 a week like he has been for the past 2 years and she will have to pay us!!!! Eventhough I am suppose to stop reading her myspace I did the night she got served with court papers and it said, haha, isnt life just one big game? I am wondering what that is suppose to mean, because life is not a game, does she have something we dont know.
