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Rosedeer1's picture

So quick recap I have been with DH for 3 years and we got married in Oct. my SS is 4 and I have been with him before he tunred 2 he will be 5 in April. BM has called my work several times and wrote a letter trying to get me fired, did not work. She has called DSS on me to get out foster daughter taken away, did not work. My DH and her just finished court last week and the law guardian said if this was his case he would give Dad full custody with visitation to Mom, and since then she has not been on her myspace account which she used to get on everyday and leave little messages I know she was hoping I would see. She has been quiet and not crazy like I thought she would be. I thought she would try to kill me, because it can not look good on her in a custody battle that I had to have her arrested twice once for threatening to kill me and then again for breaking an order of protection. She let the fleas get so bad in her house my SS was sent home from preschool because they thought he had chickenpox, my DH talked and talked until he was blue in the face but she refused the idea the fleas were from her house, well she then admitted to the doctor she did see fleas and has bombed her house 3 times. So now what to think that this crazy lady is not actin crazy, I do not know if I should be scared or if what the law guardian said snapped her into reality, but I doubt that because being arrested twice did nothing for her she still blames my DH for the whole thing. What to do, because I hate thinking about her, yet I am!!!!


imagr8tma's picture

really real for her. The proceedings in court and the GAL saying he would take the child from her - may be affecting her.

She is probably still in shock and does not know what to do or say.

But she should know by now that her actions will come out in court if she acts a fool..

So she is probably really pissed but can't do anything about it ..........

I just want to say good luck with the court decision.

Anon2009's picture

for BM and she is now facing the very real possibility of losing custody. She might be stunned because, having been arrested twice, she thought she could continue to get away with it. Maybe it's the kick in the a** she needed to get her behavior to change. DH has had BM arrested too, and like your BM, she found out that the court system will only put up with so much (IMHO they put up with WAY TOO MUCH) cr*p from her. She no longer has custody; hopefully the same will happen for the BM in your situation. My BM even said that the only reasons she wanted custody were a) so she could give DH a hard time and 2) so she could get DH's $$$$ monthly. Fortunately the court system finally caught up with her, and cracked down hard on her. I hope all works out for you, and that this will scare BM into behaving herself.

sam's picture

be trying to think of sneaky ways to bother you.If she has been doing all of these crazy things than i wouldnt put it past her.Or she may be just laying low for awhile never trust a crazy bm.