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Rosedeer1's picture

Well my DH won placement of his son,4 in court and they have split custody, so BM went from every 3 days to wed. 4-7 and EOW fri.@4 until Sun. @6 then my SS comes home, the court went on for a page about the importance of a child having a place to call home and it is soooo important since he is starting school in Sept. SO we thought life would be peaceful, NOT she has went more crazy, she has called my DH every day since the decision which was the 30 of Jan. crying asking how he could do this to her, she told him he has a wife and a foster daughter so how could he take her son away from her? Lets remember here that she is the one who wanted to go to court because she thought she would be able to get her son away from seeing me, she hates me and I have had to have her arrested twice. My DH agreed to 3 day 3 day in mediation as long as he got placement because she has moved SS daycare 9 times on her 3 day stay, she said no way in hell will the court give you placement so she did not take the deal. NOW she wants to deal, she says that the court papers say or mutually agreed upon times, she does not realize that means she can see him more if DH lets her, which he will, he is an amazing man and wants his son to be happy so if SS wants to go more DH will let him which I respect that. However, that line in the court papers does not mean make your own arrangements, no matter what the court said. This has been in court for 2 years going back and forth to mediation, they had a 3 day trial and Dad came out on top because and this is what the court said, not word for word but I will sum it up. BM can not foster good relations with Dad because she can not put her hate for me aside to be a good Mom, the judge said that Mom buts her feeling towards me before he sons emotions, and that she hates me soooo much that she will be unable to ever put her son first. Second main reason was Mom signed him up for a daycare where the child must be fully potty trainned which he was not at the time, but she signed him up anyway, the court said this was not wrong decision and that parents that have split custody and placement should talk about this and she signed him up without telling Dad. Pretty much she looked very bad in court and the judge saw right through her tears. So now she filed an appeal the next day after she was served with the judgement, but my DH's lawyer said not to worry because they take up to 8 months and are a lot of money and once we are not paying her 600 a month I am not sure what she will do for extra money. Not to mention she needs a reason for the appeal and not just because she is mad or hurt, she did this to herself and all because she hates me. The other day she was at the bus stop which is funny because she never was able to be there before but now some how she was able to switch the hours she works, well wouldn't a good mom have done that from the beginning?? Well I hope she calms down a little this is the first time she has to go a week without seeing her son, and for all of you who feel sorry for her, don't she did this to herself telling her 4 year old that he will not grow big like daddy if he loves me. Now she is telling him that he should ask for more mommy days, he tells me he is sorry he wants to be at daddys because mommy is so sad that he has to rub her back while she cries, what is wrong with this women to make him feel that way. I am sure she is sad but Karma is a Bitch and she has tried to ruin my career, my marriage and my life for 3 years all because I am around her son. It is about time the good people win, the world needs to realize it is 2009 and their are good dads out there that love their kids and yes even more than the mom, I think my SS BM is upset over losing her son, but more about losing 150 a week!!!


stepmom2one's picture

it is usually about the money and control. Once they lose both they don't know what to do with themselves, that is why she is upset. She should have thought of these things before she tried to come after you and ruin her sons life (for her own selfish reasons).

I am glad the judge saw through her. Tell your H to stay strong. BM will get used to this situation but it takes time. I am sure he remembers a time that he felt the same way she did, and he made it through just like she will.

southernshellgirl's picture

I'm so happy for all of you!

My DH finally got primary last May and I hear you about how the crazy train doesn't stop just because court ends.

Your story sounds similar to mine, my SD is 4 and starting school this year too.

Hey, so sympathy for your BM here, go ahead and enjoy your victory.

IT is so good to hear there are more judges out there begining to see through the selfish BMs.

It is not about who's right, it's about what's right for the kids.

Good Job!

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-

Sita Tara's picture

Crazy increases for about a year, then they start to like not having the child around so they can do whatever they want. I do in CG's case though, BM came back around to wanting them with her again. When you are dealing with an unstable person, it will flip back and forth forever I'm afraid.

I would as always, get SS into counseling, and some for you and your H so you all can acquire tools to help deal with the BM. And of course, my real mantra is "BUY- STOP WALKING ON EGGSHELLS" and read it. Regardless of what is ailing BM mentally, that book will help you on many levels understanding why she does what she does, helping SS deal with this for life, and allowing you to rest assured that you aren't contributing or crazy yourself (at least I know I've questioned it myself at times when I get dragged into BM's mind trying to figure her out.)

Goodluck and congratulations on the win. I know in our case, the psychologist warned that "winning" might be a mixed blessing all around, and she was right.

Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

Most Evil's picture

I think it is so mean for a PARENT and ADULT, to manipulate the kid to feel EMOTIONALLY responsible for the parent's well-being. She must be mentally ill to have no qualms about twisting her kid around that way, to worry about her!!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

dan_nicole's picture

for winning the court end of the battle. I hope it works out for you and DH

Montoya03's picture

My boyfriend of almost 5years recently after 4years and 4 lawyers later received his divorce. He has 2 children by his ex a girl 10 and a boy 6. The reason it took so long and so many lawyers was because he was trying to go the no fault way because he also had skeletons in his closet as well but this idiot wouldn't sign the papers for him and gave us hell in the process. But when he decided to try a fault lawyer (because I just couldn't wait for him and I was going to leave) the tables turned the judge saw through her not to mention she couldn't afford a lawyer. His child support was stopped and he got cusdody of the girl (although she lives with his mom who lives next door) and she has the boy. Okay this is where it gets funny BM asks if they can be friends. After all she put us through and all the money we spent. Ok she has agreed to be civil with him but with me that's another situation. In the beginning I tried to be an adult about the situation be this idiot really wanted to be with my BF so she was upset and jealous of me because I was smart, younger, prettier, no kids, and i have a good job. Before the divorce while we were living together and all these crazy phone calls were coming through i demanded that we establish a limit from 9am to 9pm. I thought that this was fair because we have to sleep to and good parents don't let little kids stay up past 9 anyway. Ok calls stopped but this idiot starting calling his cell phone instead. So since the divorce she will only call his cell phone unless im gone (and she knows it) but she will allow the kids to call all times after 9 and she sends text messages in the early morning as well. So one night she made a call about 9:15 that night he was sleep (most times he is) mind you that this is a school night and I sent a text message through his phone stating that the times to call are between 9am and 9pm. A couple of days later she finally questions him about the text saying she wasnt trying to call him her oldest girl was who is not his Biochild but his stepchild his biokids were with us. He comes at me stating that I should not have done that through is phone pretending to be him that i didn't show him respect. Mind you that this is something that we fuss about constantly, I told him because he was never going to handle it so someone had to. I think that she threw a guilt trip on him about that is was the stepchild and so on. I asked him y was he questioning me if he thought that the phone call was worth it or that important y didn't she call the house phone instead. BM knows that if it is an emergency ie if one of the kids is sick, dying, dead, or anything else that classifies as that when in her care to call at anytime. My BF and I have been through a lot not to mention bs from his parents, my parents, and our family members it has been hard. And whenever there's an argument about BM it turns into an argument about what everyone else has done. I am tired and thinking about leaving we are supposed to get married next month but I can't if we still have these issues. I've tried to get him to just concentrate on the problem with BM who will continue to be our problem and not just my problem when we get married. I feel as if i have raised these kids because when we first got together she didn't care anything about them. We couldn't get in contact with her, she would leave the kids anywhere and got upset because the kids always talked about me and wanted to be around me. Now that there are papers that say she has to do this and that or risk going to jail she wants to be my BFs friend but not associate with me and I know thats wrong. Because she is still the same just a tad better but I take care of the kids and help him when i can and Ive told him if Im going to be helping out she needs to act as if she appreciates it to stop trying to keep me out. Crazy will only stop if they are able to move on. I they are upset or jealous they will still continue to be crazy.