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Finally SD's 6th birthday over

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

First of all, I must explain that I make much more money than FDH. I don't buy the kids anything besides clothes in between birthday's and Christmas, so on those days, I tend to super spoil them. These days wouldn't be as special if I bought them stuff all year round. B/c we are trying to be a family, I do the same for SD. Spent as much money on her as I would my own, with FDH pitching in of course.

On her actual birthday, she actually behaved...what I consider behaved for her. And I'm more than sure its all b/c everyone treated her like she wants to be treated everyday. Everybody gave her stuff, she got what she wanted, sweets...basically she wants to be treated like some damn princess.

The next day was a different story. She whined and cried about everything. Every time I turned around she was hitting, kicking, taking stuff away from my BD2. Her father likes to do this thing, where he acts oblivious. It drives me insane. This kid smacked me in the boob then tells me I'm nasty. WTH Right in front of FDH! He was laying there half asleep, but theres no way in hell he didn't see that. I told her thats inappropriate, for the hundreth time.

She tells FDH and I that she's taking all her b-day presents to her mom's b/c she doesn't want BD2 to play with them. And to hurry up and pack up the rest of her cake, she's taking it to her mom's...she's going to be there soon.(Must be said with a whine and attitude)

That little bitch, is all I can think. FDH steps up and says, "No, you're not taking the cake to your mom's. She had a party for you with cake. It stays here." Doesn't say anything about her b-day presents though.

So I'm pretty fired up about this. I've never been in this situation before; my parent's have been together since 8th grade and I've never dated anyone else with kids. I didn't buy her stuff just to take it all to BM's. Not only that, but the plain snotty, entitled attitude that comes with it. This kid has no respect for anything or anybody. I was hoping FDH would pipe up and say something, but he didn't. He let her take all that shit to BM's...besides the cake.

So I have to does this work at your house? Do you let the skid's take whatever they want back and forth or do the things you buy stay? I'm sick of the disrespect. To make it worse, BM picked her up yesterday evening and she's already dropped back off. Thank the one eyed flying spaghetti monster that I work until 11; unfortunately, I'm off tomorrow. I hope that stupid, fat, inconsiderate bitch doesn't abandon SD all week. I heard her declare loudly last night that she has all week off. I want to grab SD by her ankles and swing her into FDH's head. Had it with her and his sensitivity about her.



Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Thank you, you are spot on. I need to speak up. My shyness compounded with the fact that he is super sensitive about her behavior has made it hard. Every time I say something about her behavior he gets lightning quick defensive and I turn into some vile, mean monster. I've rly tried to disengage as much as possible which has caused much less stress and made FDH rly step up his parenting. I knew if I said anything, it would start a fight in front of the kids. The last thing I need to do, is to let that little biotch see me fighting with her daddy. She'd love it. Every time I see her she asks, "aren't you going to work?" Makes me want to smack her.

Oh, and it rly is my own freaking home...he moved in with me!!!

hereiam's picture

Anytime we let my SD take anything home, her brother (not DH's son) destroyed it.

The only things we let her take home were things we purposely bought for her to take home, like I once bought her a comforter for her bed at BM's in a theme she wanted.

If my SD22 had acted like that at years old 6, it would have been the last birthday party we would have had for her. And she might have taken home a sore butt, but DH has never had to spank her so I don't know if he ever would have or not.

Honestly, I was very lucky as SD was pretty well behaved. She did NOT get that from her mother.

Jsmom's picture

Nothing ever left our house. Easy enough. Not even the cash gifts... make it a policy now and it will be easier.

moeilijk's picture

I agree. It's important to allow kids to do what they want, so that they don't learn to do what they want plus lie about it.

I also think that people in general should keep their stuff with them at all times. A backpack or a wagon is a good way to keep other people from getting your stuff. It's healthy to be very concerned about material things and sharing is stupid anyway.

And for COD who have their own toys in two different places, this goes double. They should get help carrying their double-loot around and making sure no one else goes near their stuff.

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Everything FDH has gotten me, has in fact been taken over by SD. He got me a throw blanket with a matching pillow for V-day...she took it and put in on her bed. My jewelry? Its like she has a right to it. Nothing seems to be sacred in my house except her shit. I talked to FDH about all this and he is in agreement with me and nothing we buy will be going to BM's house. We buy her things to entertain and clothe her while she is with us; not at BM's. That's what CS is for.

Sharing is a big concern with her, even though this isn't what it's about. My DD isn't allowed to play with anything while SD is there. Nothing. Not SD's toys, not even her own. SD rips everything out of her hands. It's a problem. To say sharing is stupid is ridiculous...its basic human behavior to learn if a person is going to be worth while in society.