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Going witg kids on vaction

rlock12's picture

Dh took his kids last week by himself. So it's my week to take vacation with my kids. My I'm trying not to feel bad for leaving him here... I need encourage ment, DH is pouting


Shaman29's picture

Wait...he's pouting because you're doing the exact same thing he did last week??

On what planet does that make any sense at all??

Your H needs to nut up and get over himself.

Go on your vacation. Enjoy the time with your kids. Don't feel guilty because he's having a difficult time living with his own decisions.

Monchichi's picture

Ignore the emotional blackmail and go have a blast with your kids.

Disneyfan's picture

Ignore him. Keep packing, watch youtube videos with the kids...Do whatever you need to do to keep the at pre vacation high going.

hereiam's picture

Oh brother, put him in time out. Biggrin

Don't let him get to you, he's being a baby.

Have fun with your kiddos!

kathc's picture

Hell no.

He took his kids on vacation. Now it's your turn to take your kids on vacation.

He's not allowed to pout.

WTF is wrong with him?