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going to scream!

rjs1069's picture

So, almost on a weekly basis, sometimes more The BM decides she is going to call my hubby with a complaint about me. Its never anything true, normal, accurate. It is soooo frustrating and annoying. My husband handles it well. Tries to ignore it as much as possible but it infuriates me in the worst way. They are things like- I took too many pictures of her son at an event. I stood too close to her at an event. I shouldn't be at an event. "Its only for my SS parents" she will even complain to my hub about my family being involved in my SS life. There are so many more examples. What do I do?!? And the worst part is, she is always complaining about these things to my SS as well so he knows all about it. I just want to rip my hair out. I can't control what she does or says. But its hurting me, my SS, my relationship w/ my SS and Husband because I get so upset. I try not to get upset but when its been happeneing just about weekly for 6 yrs. And getting progessively worse and annoying how do I cope? I just can't seem to ignore it.....


s_cherry's picture

Ignore her cos you will go crazy. Let that pathetic bitc* jealous you. She doesn`t deserve a second of attention and you too lose your nerves cos of her

rjs1069's picture

Thanks everyone for the advice....Crayon: you are so right. Most of the time he ignores her but i think if his approach of ignoring was different maybe that would help. Although, when he does hang up she continues to call back, over and over and over again. Send multiple text messages and tries to create a war. Its crazy because when she has an "audience" she thrives from it when she doesnt have an audience she freaks out until she gets an audience. Were screwed! haha! but in all seriousness- thanks everyone! Its just so damn hard to ignore when im stressed out to begin with and then she starts her shit up and im suppose to just let it roll off my back? its so hard to do that....I try really hard to take a step back, remember who its coming from and breathe but sometimes it just doesnt work......