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rjs1069's Blog


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I need people's thoughts on this asap! here is my dilemma. I am 31 weeks pregnant. I have an 8 year old stepson who is over the moon about this baby and cannot wait for this baby to arrive. (his first sibling) His psycho mother has created quite the situation (as usual! feel free to refer to other blogs I have written for a broader background). Anyway, We got an email saying that the BM is taking my SS out of state (to Disney World) for 2 weeks. Starting March 23rd-April 7th. I am due to have this baby on March 27th.


rjs1069's picture

So many SM's on here despise or dont look forward to their skids visiting. I read more often of negative situations regarding the kids relationships with the smoms than the other way around. My only issue is i argue with my hubby over stuff regarding my ss and the bm. and of course the bm is crazy and causes issues daily. If i hated or disliked my ss i would have left. but my ss has my heart and will always have my heart. When he is sick, he wants me. If he has a bad dream he wants me. We read a book together every night before bed.

going to scream!

rjs1069's picture

So, almost on a weekly basis, sometimes more The BM decides she is going to call my hubby with a complaint about me. Its never anything true, normal, accurate. It is soooo frustrating and annoying. My husband handles it well. Tries to ignore it as much as possible but it infuriates me in the worst way. They are things like- I took too many pictures of her son at an event. I stood too close to her at an event. I shouldn't be at an event. "Its only for my SS parents" she will even complain to my hub about my family being involved in my SS life. There are so many more examples.

a tad irritated

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so....this past weekend, a very close friend of the family was thrown a going away party. I attended with my ss7 and my dh was working. my dh didnt get out of work until 8:00 p.m. and showed up to the party shortly there after. The party was held at a local joint which is both a bar and restaurant. The party was in the restaurant section of the place. well, bm's ex bf was there ( we live in a very small town) and he decided to text bm and tell her that ss was there at a bar at 8:00 w/me and not my dh.

new here

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So I am new to this site and thought i would say hello and tell everyone my situation. I have a stepson who is 7. We have a wonderful relationship. I love him to pieces, he means the world to me. We are very close and i have never looked at him like a "stepson". My husband and i have had a rough road but finally seem to be figuring it all out and are doing great. The BM is a complete bitch and psycho. to be blunt! We live in MA and it is very hard to get custody from a mother when the 2 were not married and we have sunk close to $10,000.00 into it and have had to stop.