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Riley's Blog

Adult SS is Back

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I'm sitting here at the computer reading posts on this site. In the next room my DH is talking on the phone with one of my SS (age 25). DH is suggesting that SS come over and work on the house, like clean gutters, rearrange bricks, etc. I hear this and my heart just starts beating double-time.

Wicked Step Mom

Riley's picture

I have been the SM of 4 boys for tens years now. They are all grown now. Over the last ten years, 3 of them lived with me and their dad.

Long story short, the youngest 2 have been a struggle to endure. Even now as twenty-something young men, I dread when they call their dad; it nearly always ends in arguments because we won't support them financially. They also, on nearly any occassion, blame me for their inability to get help from their dad. (The oldest son and I get along great, by the way. He's responsible, successful, rational, not on drugs, etc.)"