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Sort of o/t please pray for my bd10 she has compression fracture on her c5 and

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then found out at the ortho appt. it was mostly caused by the hemangioba she has there.This all happened when she was practicing her gymnastics routine a couple weeks ago!!! Triple layout with a bad back handspring,ugh!!!I feel so horrible but, she went about those days just as normal as can be.Then when I picked her up from the grandparents she said she bent her head and it was sore but not a biggie!My poor Tooks!! Why wouldn't she have said something sooner?!?,no swimming or sports! She is so depressed but, on a higher note her ultimate BFF (who lives 2 1/2 hrs away)came home with us for a week! My vacation with my friends was so much fun nice to be reminded all other halves can be asses even with out the blended family thing!Kids as well,but,being the bm we can DO something about it!lol. Has anyone ever had this situation before??? Tooks BFF has a crush on ss12!!!Why, I don't know! She says know but I know flirting when I see it! Kind of happy to know the double lips isn't going to stop the girls! He has been out of his room more than usual but, ruined it when the girls tried to "scare" him back and he kicked Tooks on her head! BFF can't believe he would do such a thing,I can!!! Fh is at work and telling him will do no good! Plus, Tooks was a dummy for laying on the ground in her condition!!!