to dh: newsflash - your children are adults
my skids are 25 and 27. they are adults.
ok. one sd calls her father her bff. really? a young woman that age should be embarrassed to call her father her bff. where are young women friends her own age?
well this past thanksgiving, dh pulls out a displays a horrid construction paper project from when the skids were in kindergarten. its a paper turkey make of faded cut outs. its what bm sent him after she married her lover (who was also married) and took the skids across the country.
really? i think mememtos like this are fine. but displaying them?
Discussion tonight w/SO
Discussion tonight w/SO regarding fees, fines and outstanding warrants of SD 30. No desire to disrupt her launch from jail.
SO mentioned that the city & County should not tell him anything. She's an adult. Uhm, but who will pay canteen, fines & fees? Chorus: SO
The realization that SD30 is far from a minor child that dear daddy could not/should not ride to the rescue.
Crap is crap. It goes in the
Crap is crap. It goes in the garbage when it hits it's expiration date just like any other crap. Now that the Skids are adults, the expiration date on paper projects is long gone. Now, maybe if it were ceramic........
i find it nauseating to do
i find it nauseating to do this. evidently dh has such a sappy fantasy about the childhood of his children the way bm jerked him all over the place about visitation.
he has clearly forgotten how the skids treated him like crap when they did not get what they wanted from him and refused to take his phone calls for over half a year.