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Sorta Kinda Semi-Relief...

reluctantgma's picture

Finally pried the Beloved away from home for an overnight in the mountains. We hadn't heard anything from whiny SS since Tuesday, so I'm thinking the coast is clear until Saturday morning pickup at camp, but noooooooo....

We didn't have much or any cell signal up where we'd gone, but we reached a place yesterday evening where my phone buzzed that I had a message. "Xxxxx, remember you need to pick me up on Saturday morning at 11:00."

Well duh... like he's ever been left waiting to be picked up from anything, ever.

Then there was the same message at 8:30 this morning and a repeat around 2pm this afternoon. Finally he talked to his dad and will hopefully stfu for his remaining 18 hours at camp.

He knows we know when to pick him up. That's just the excuse he uses because he HAS to speak to his dad.

This clingy, helpless "I can't live without Dad's hand to hold or voice in my ear" is sick to me. The more he does it, the less I want anything to do with him. Since he lives with us, I'm stuck with it.

How am I supposed to be civil with this 200+lb @sswipe when he comes home from camp tomorrow? I want to scream at and slap him, then stuff him in a hole beside the road BEFORE we get home.

I want to do similar to his dad, for thinking it was ok and right for making the whiny turd believe that his father was supposed to be there on call 24/7 365 days a year. I want to strangle his parents for making him believe that was the way it was supposed to be....

The Beloved hovers too much. Hope he and Whiny Turd find something to do tomorrow so I can vent better.