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Child Catcher taking the kids to another state , hotel time?

Lady.Tremaine's picture

*hard sigh* 

So back in I want to say May or so DH brought up BM may be taking the kids to see her brother in quite a few states away ( like day drive states away)

Now last he and I spoke of it he had said they may not due to COVID. Well today he says yes they are going after all and he totally told me and I must have just forgot. Um no DH you didn't you just like to sneak things and drop them off when possible. 

Anyways so I asked about will he be seeing / having the skids over afterwards. He said "we'll play it by ear"

Um . No. No. No . There's no playing by ear when they've been on a cross country road trip. He's an idiot almost as much as BM is. Because no- they shouldn't be around us we work outside of home now which is already bad but adding on a road trip? Does no one but me care for these kids ? Really?

I thought about dropping the d word immediately but decided to see how he plays this. If he oks a visit after the trip ( I'm still hoping BM magically realizes maybe not the best idea ?) I'm going to take a chunk of the common money out to stay at a hotel for a week alone. My name is the first on the lease so he legally can't lock me out after. 

Bad idea? I'm not one to be panicking during this time but after all the BS I think enough is enough and DH needs to understand I will play hard ball.


JRI's picture

I'm sorry to hear you are going thru this.  I hope things defuse before you have to mention the d word.  Some people seem to be in denial about the pandemic.

tog redux's picture

Are they going to a state that will require them to quarantine when they return? NY has a long list of states on the list that require quarantine.  That would solve your problem right there.