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regmom's picture

Okay found out today that he is cheating not with bm as per my suspition but with a former classmate who misses kissing him havent talked to him yet


PeopleAreStrange's picture

You don't even need to talk to him unless you have kids. Move out, send divorce papers, DONE. That's a no go.

simifan's picture

Oh Honey, that's so hard to take. He's a jerk & should have more respect for himself to honor the vows he made; not to mention respect for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

:jawdrop: I am so sorry. That is definitly a deal breaker. You need to kick him to the curb. My thoughts are with you. {{{{HUGS}}}}

regmom's picture

Thank you guys talked to him about it and he told me they were just frends and I disagreed friends know the right words and gestures to use and they know a bottom line if their friends are married. He said I had to accept their friendship and the message mearnt nothing you know what I did I posted the message on facebook and many agreed that no friend would miss kissing their friend.

Tissy113's picture

Agh! I'm so sorry. This happened to me last year as well. Stupid men. He reconnected with a middle school girlfriend. Really idiot? The love of your life? Asshat! Anyways, he told me the same thing that I had to accept it, and that they were just friends. Of course it wasn't true. Anyways, as much as it hurt I walked away. I wasn't going to look like an idiot and be laughed at. It hurt like hell and it took me awhile to accept what had happened, but it hurt more to think that the person that was supposed to love me treated me that way. Of course that relationship didn't really even get off the ground. In a situation like that reality kicks in, she was married and he was with me, she supposedly filed for divorce, but he didn't want to deal with 2 ex's and her ex. AND have to deal with more of a blended family. That's the reality...not this I miss kissing you BS. Be strong and stand you're ground. You deserve to be treated with respect and love. My BF came back to me about after 5 months. And we may not have been married, but we have a child and home together. We had to draw custody paperwork. It felt like a divorce. Him coming back was hard, I'm done too much hurt went on, and things are on my terms now. Honestly I regret trying to work it out, there's still too much hurt that who knows if it will ever go away. I did for my 3 year old daughter.