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Does the poop thing never end in step families?!

Redredwine's picture

BS and OSS are both 14. YSS is 12.5. Seems as though school letting out also means that they get to take a break from paying attention to hygiene...since there are no peers to impress or to keep from teasing you. All of them are somehow getting crap (literal, not figurative) on the back of the seat, either the top or the underside.

The other night DH found some and figured it was BS (my BS, his SS). Fine. Could be. He was in there a long time though the others were around too.

BS has not been here since yesterday morning. I used both bathrooms this morning. The toilets were fine.

DH and both skids have been home tonight since about 4:30. I got home at 8. Went to use a toilet...not the one next to BSs bedroom...and there's crap on the top of the seat. I wasn't upset but I did say to DH jokingly that it must either an epidemic that they all can't handle toilet etiquette again at their age. He said to me: Are you sure it wasn't BS?

Right. My ExH picked up BS from his camp, brought him here instead of straight to his house, BS purposefully used the bathroom upstairs furthest from his room, got shit on it, and left.

I said it couldn't be as BS hasn't been here. DH said he didn't know what the schedule is for BS. I call foul: it's in our online calendar and tonight and the night before are regular nights with ExH. And the camp is far away. And there's no way BS would have walked here.

I said: you're right. I'm sure ExH brought him here, way out of their way, ExH waited in the car while BS took a potty break here, so it's *obviously* BS.


Shaman29's picture

Yeah....skid was the only skid in our house and H would still blame some unknown person for things she did.

Or he would say it's me.

How we are not divorced is beyond me.

Wah-wah-11's picture

I thought this was at my house only! But then again don't be blaming your husbands perfect children. I find my step kids undies hid with poop caked in them bc they don't wipe. But how dare I ask if they wipes their behind ...

DarkStar's picture

Apparently it never does end.

I was talking to SO last night and SD12 has given herself encopresis AGAIN and she is leaking poop onto her underwear and the sheets on her bed. Have fun with that this week, BM! This has been going on for YEARS with this girl.

I don't get it, I really don't. WHY WHY WHY????? Does she WANT to be the stinky poopy kid in class? Is it a control thing? WHAT???!!?!?!? You ask her and get the famous, "I don't know!!!" And the house smells like a cow barn.

SS11 poops his pants on at least a weekly basis. He is on the upper end of the autistic spectrum and has an IEP program for school and such, but STILL?????

I didn't tell SO this, no sense in rocking the boat until I have to, but there is NO WAY I will be living in a house where soon-to-be TEENAGERS have poop issues. It's disgusting. They can shit all over themselves in their own place, I'll be damned before I put up with it in my own house.

Ljcapp1's picture

GRRRRR I had this same issue once.
My boys would pee on the toilet seat and it would make me so mad I wanted to beat them. My H made a BFD about it and put an embarrassing sign on the toilet. It said something like "Boys' names DON'T pee on the seat." His motive was because SD (who was 15 at the time, 18 now)shared a bathroom with them and she shouldn't have to ask them to clean the toilet before she used it.
I totally agree that you shouldn't have to clean up someone else's pee before you can sit down, that's absolute bullshit. BUT..........Where's the sign for SD that says clean up your period blood and trimmed pubes from the seat?
"That couldn't possibly be my daughter doing that." <<<<< no shit, he actually said that to me.

I guess my boys started their periods the same time they trimmed their pubes for bikini weather. :?

SM12's picture

My SS8 poops in the toilet and then puts the shitty toilet paper in the trash can next to the toilet. I had the same issue with DH saying it was BS. BS has his OWN bathroom and has NEVER done that in his 17 yrs. It only happens when SS8 is here. I finally proved it when it happened on a night that SS8 was here without any other kids. DH asked SS8 about it and SS8 started to scream and cry like a big baby and deny it was him. He always does that when confrunted with anything. DH just said "ok" and dropped it. SS8 stopped doing it for a while but now is back at it again. Next time he does it I am going to make him go in the bathroom and pick the shitty paper out of the trash and dispose of it properly. I will then teach him the proper way to clean a toilet. That kid cries over EVERYTHING!!! Its ridiculous.