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another off topic question

sterlingsilver's picture

Here's another problem I am having with exh, I have an attorney and exh is representing himself. Well he is always emailing MY attorney about things and it's running up my bill. I have asked my atty to send him the bill but it all falls under the catagory of my atty working on my behalf. Well my exh is simply running on at the mouth and it's costing me so much, so when can I say to my atty that enough is enough lagally. Can I say, we have covered the subjuect so now if exh wants to continue he can pick up the tab?


PeanutandSons's picture

Can you tell attorney to ignore all communication from ex husband? I don't understand why he is able to use your attorney on your dime.

nothinforya's picture

Tell the attorney in no uncertain terms that you have NO INTENTION of paying him another thin dime unless YOU call and specifically tell him to do something. He is to ignore any communication from your ex.

amber3902's picture

Since your exH is representing himself, your attorney can not ignore your ex.

However, you can limit how much time your attorney spends.
Tell your attorney from now on he is only to accept written correspondence from your ex.

Is is possible for you to discuss things with your exH if he's being a chatty cathy?

pixiedust10's picture

FDH had to tell the second attorney he's had since separating from BM that if he was going to have correspondence with BM, he would not hire him. Soon after this attorney understood why FDH requested this. I would tell said attorney so much. FDH had a huge bill from the divorce attorney because of her constant contact since she couldn't actually afford HER lawyer, why not use FDH's for as much free info as possible?

sterlingsilver's picture

My attorney told me that if my ex had an attorney he'd be talking with him/her but since he doesn't and he represents himself, my attorney has to talk directly to my ex. He prefers to deal with another attorney and not my ex and I think another attorney would filter what is important to argue about or not, but my ex has no "filter" now and emails my attorney any old time he pleases. My attorney forwards all the emails to me so I can see and alot of it is stupid stuff. Anyhow, last night I wrote my atty and told him that if my ex wants to keep making something out of nothing then he needs to send him the bill b/c I am tired of paying for my ex's counsel. My ex is just a trouble maker and always trying to get out of paying for things and getting me to over pay for things. He is all about money and making me pay.