Can't handle the laziness
I am so frustrated with SO and his daughter today that I am about to lose my mind. So here's what's going on...Last night, I volunteered to do an evening court appearance for my SO (we are both lawyers) so that he could spend some quality time with his daughter. Mind you, I had been up that morning since 4:30 am, but he hadn't seen her since last Thursday, so I wanted to do him the favor. When I got home from court, he was on the couch watching basketball and she was in her room zoned out in front of the TV. Not entirely horrific, but it gets worse. The minute I walk in the door, she is all over me wanting attention and wanting me to do activities with her. I managed to get her to let me choke down my dinner and then we did arts and crafts together for a little while. When 8:00 hit, she had to do her homework. She wanted me to help her with her homework instead of her dad, so I did, or rather, I tried, but it was a disaster.
The problem is this... My SO's daughter puts absolutely NO EFFORT into her homework. She tries to skate by doing the absolute bare minimum required not to FAIL. She is already in remedial reading and math and neither of her parents seem to even be bothered by it. Even more disturbing, SHE is not bothered by her poor performance in the least! So we start working on her little worksheet and the first thing she does is flip it over and check for problems on the back of the page. Then she lets out this huge groan because there is indeed work on the other side. Just to illustrate how little effort she exerts, I'll give an example. They are studying the Civil War in her Social Studies class. One of the questions on the worksheet asked her to use as much detail as possible describing the daily lives of slaves during the Civil War. Her answer..."It was bad." Whenever I try to patiently extract more out of her, she puts her thumb in her mouth, starts whining and throws a little tantrum about how she doesn't want to learn, she wants dessert.
My SO walked up to the table while we were suffering through this worksheet and almost immediately got frustrated with his daughter's lack of effort, but just walked away and left me to deal with the headache. Once she finished he made her dessert and the two of us stepped outside to talk. He shared his disgust with her effort level and I suggested that he tell her that she had to read a book until bedtime instead of watching TV because of her behavior during homework time. He agreed, but then must have decided on the short walk back into the house that it took too much effort on his part to enforce, so he did nothing.
This example is by no means catastrophic, but it is becoming illustrative of how SO handles his daughter. He threatens to discipline her and to enforce rules, but there is never any follow through. And then he scratches his head like a moron and wonders why his daughter is so far behind all of the other little girls in her peer group. DUH!!! Because she is babied to death. Seriously, she does NOTHING for herself and no one has any expectations of her. It's pathetic. She can't even make herself a snack or self-regulate her bathing. She does NO chores. Her room is a constant disaster. And I've even noticed that she has very few friends.
Whenever I bring any of these things to my SO's attention, he reminds me that I don't have any kids, so what do I know... Well, I may not have any kids, but I was a 9 year old girl once and I know that this is not normal 9 year old girl behavior. When I was 9, I was a lot more self sufficient, and not a weekend went by that I didn't have plans with one of my little girlfriends. My SO and I have been living together for almost a year now and I have only seen her make plans with a playmate ONCE on his weekends. I know that the answer is to just mentally check out and not care, but I am dreading dealing with her as she gets older and more sloth-like. UGH!
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. I think instead of participating in daddy-daughter time tonight, I'll opt for a nice long workout at the gym, ALONE!
- red flags's blog
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Um, wait. When you have
Um, wait. When you have input on how SD is parented, your SO says you "don't have any kids"? How rude. It sounds like you are parenting SD more than her own father is! Of course you have kids - you parent SD, therefore she is "your kid" and you should get a say in how she is raised.
If it is SO's position that you should NOT have input on how SD is raised, then I think you are within your rights to disengage, though it sounds like that is not an ideal option in your case. Your SO needs to appreciate what you do for him and for SD and respect your role as a stepparent, instead of disparaging you and your knowledge about childrearing. Ugh. Makes me mad.
I usually feel like an
I usually feel like an impotent sheriff around our house. I have a gun and a badge, but no bullets. I understand that it is not my role to discipline her. Her mother would throw an absolute fit, and I don't really want the headache. But I do wish that he would make the effort to PARENT his child instead of just babysitting her. Before he knows it, he is going to have an unruly teenager on his hands who is used to getting her way and doing nothing. I just wish he would try harder while he still has some of her attention
My dear, I go through the
My dear, I go through the same thing. I have 3 SSs. One is 17, 13 and 12. the 17 and 13 olds always did the bare minimum with their work, never working hard to succeed in school, but always demaning rewards after rewards after rewars. The 17 yo barely has a 3.0 and always talks about going to this college or that college, he'll have a big reality check next year when he applies for college and ends up going to his local community school. Tell you SO, he better step up his game cause she's going to pay the price big time!! My SO always does the same thing, we discuss games plans, and he doesn't follow through - probably too much work!
Oh god, another fool that
Oh god, another fool that believes donating sperm or popping a kid out of your privates gives you special insight into the inner workings of raising a child. Passing on your genetics does not give you common sense. It does not magically grant you the interior knowledge of all parenting books. It Amazingly enough - does not make you one iota more logical!
I'm so in the boat of "What do I know? I guess in your mind - nothing. So that's it - homework is 100% your job. Arts and crafts with her - your job. Cooking, cleaning, hygiene, schools crap, dr's appointments, transportation - all your job. You wouldn't want to trust your precious little darling to someone that knows nothing about children now would you?"
But then again I get really bitchy when people cling to stupid.
Good job for opting for the gym!
You need to disengage...I
You need to disengage...I know it is the party line here. But, hell after the day you had he should have been spending time with his daughter. He also has no expectations of her, so why should you...
And as far as my not having
Oh wow!!! I could have
Oh wow!!! I could have written this post on my SO and how he handles his daughter. SD is 13 and has been babied and coddled her entire life. It is so frustrating to see that a child with limitless potential can be ruined by lack of parenting. It should be a crime!!! Because not only is the child a burden on the parents but also a burden on society. All because they can't be bothered to actually parent!!! I am probably being extreme but it is a major problem for me. I pushed my kids as far as possible always staying vigilant with homework and rules chores etc. If I didn't do my job as parent then they wouldn't be able to be successful in life.
SO does everything for SD and she expects me to do the same. Not going to happen!! I raised my kids already. I do see it as my duty to make sure he steps up and parents her because I don't want to be responsible for her for the rest of my life and I love SO and don't want to leave him because of it. But I have given myself a reality check and if he doesn't step up and do his job then I will have to leave because he is setting SD up to fail at life. That is not what I want for my life.