Just can't bring myself to like SD
OK - those of you who have been following my situation know that DH and I have been having a few issues about his SD. It got to the point where i was leaving the house on Friday nights when she came to visit. I have since returned and he is making a really good effort with my BD (which has been a gripe of mine in the past).
Anyway - since i've seen him making an effort I decided I'd return to my home this Friday night. DH and SD were gone by 9am as we were off to dancing and all the activities kids do. DH has been coaching SD to look at me in the eye when she says hello - to even say hello and good bye or thanks are MAJOR efforts for this kid.
I thought - ok, i'll make an effort too.....have been doing this for nearly two years to no avail. So I say "How was school" - no eye contact "ok", how's t-ball going "ok".....no eye contact, no smile NO PERSONALITY!!!!!!!!! I couldn't wait for her to get out of the house. I feel like I can't even get past first base with this kid. I don't think she's interested and i respect that but DH keeps pushing the issue "she likes you, she thinks you're pretty....etc etc"
She's chatty enough with my daughter but when it comes to me - ignores me, looks away, doesn't say thanks (I gave her a necklace the same as my daughter this morning and no reaction. I have tried activities together, activities not together, making a full on effort, pulling back and waiting for her to come to me - all over the space of two years of course - nothing works
Look, I know she's a child and it's nothing major, but it's major from the perspectve that I just can't bring myself to like her. I try so hard but I just can't and then i wind up feeling guilty that I don't.
Is anyone else in the position where their SS or SD hasn't done anything heinous to them (as we can read from some of the posts on this site) but they just can't form a bond with them? It's a problem because she's only 8 and there's a lot of years ahead.
How do I deal with this. Just give up and ignore it?
What do I say when DH askes whether I like his BD? Lie?
- Realist's blog
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I can understand
I inherited my SD when she was 9, and she treated me in a similar manner to what you are experiencing. We have never formed a bond, and now that she has become a teen it is worse. She finds ways to get even with me for being her Dad's wife, like running up hundreds of dollars extra each month in cell phone charges, having parties with her friends in our house when we are not here, etc.
What I have come to realize is you cannot make someone love you, or force yourself to like or love someone. Either you like each other or you don't. It's funny because I love her older sister very much. She and I are great friends, but there is nothing lovable about my youngest SD.
Telling your BF how you feel will only cause problems between you. My DH has accused me of not liking SD and I admitted it. He is heartbroken about it and it has caused problems in our relationship. I wish I had advice for you, but I don't. I just wanted you to know that I understand.
If I liked SD I would let things go
I just got off the phone to DH who's taken his daughter down to see his parents while I study for my Bar exams which start tomorrow. I went into the room where SD sleeps (sheets haven't been changed in months as I refuse to do it)....as expected - bed dishevelled, toys out, clothes stuffed under pillow. I sms DH and ask nicely if he can remind his daughter to keep the room tidy. He gets all cross with me and tells me i'm over-reacting, that he told her to leave the toys out and that she's making an effort. In other words, I'm the one with the issue.
So I thought - yeah, you know what, if this girl smiled, was affectionate and had an endearing nature, I probably wouldn't mind if she left her room a mess. I'd still expect her to clean it, but it wouldn't bother me so much. I guess it's like your own dog, you don't mind when it jumps up on you, but when it's someone else's jumping up on you and leaving a dirty mark - well that's another story....
I'll probably catch hell for this...
...but here goes, anyway! Please remember: IT'S JUST AN OPINION!
You've compared her to someone else's dog jumping up on you and freely admit you don't like her. You made it a condition of your marriage that she NEVER can live with you. Well, gee, if I were your SD and you felt that way about me, I doubt that I would be signing up to be your new best friend, either. I'm not surprised that she isn't warming up to you.
I'm not trying to be rude and we all know it's a whole lot easier to cast aspersions on someone else when you don't know their entire story. Maybe I don't know the whole story and am way off base. I'm truly not making any judgments here, just wondering why you expect her to be affectionate and kind towards you when you don't express that to her. Okay, maybe you only show the dislike here to us, but kids can pick up on that. She's only EIGHT! Maybe she's insecure. Or maybe she just doesn't like you, either. But regardless, you are the adult and I really believe that the adults have to be the ones to take responsibility for nurturing the relationship. You can't make an eight-year old child responsible for the failure of the stepmother/stepdaughter relationship.
You don't want to be around when she's there, you can't wait until she leaves... I mean, I am positive that you aren't telling her flat out how you feel, but could it be that she's picking up that vibe from you and is, I don't know, maybe afraid to try? Or could it be that she's just not an open, welcoming, outgoing person? You say she doesn't have an endearing nature. Well, neither do I, but there are still people in this world who love me for me. Maybe you two are just different, but why is her personality "wrong" and your personality is "right?" Who decided that?
And you really can't compare her to your own child, because not all kids are the same. I have a son (9) who is somewhat reserved, shy, a little uptight, not really openly affectionate and yes, he's developing a little bit of an attitude that we sometimes have to put into check. My stepson is 11 and he's VERY outgoing, very demonstrative, very laid back. My son would just drop dead if I put my arm around him in public, but my stepson would just love it. My two stepdaughters are very different, too... one more demonstrative (14) and one who's a stuck-up, pain in the ass, smart alec manipulator who probably has a voodoo doll that looks just like me. So could it possibly be nothing more horrible than just your average, run of the mill personality conflict?
You don't have to love each other or even like each other, but you do have to co-exist, so why not let her off the hook. If she smiles at you, then great! If she doesn't, then so what?! How does that hurt you? I totally understand wanting and deserving to be treated with respect, but I also know what it's like to have a stepmother who hates your guts and, believe me, that can really hurt a child. You are using "Realist" as your handle, but I don't think you are being very realistic. I think your expectations for this child are a little high for her age. You're expecting her to like you, when you admittedly don't like her. And it doesn't matter who didn't like who first, what matters is that you're the adult and you have to be bigger than the eight-year old CHILD. I'm sorry, but I have to agree with your DH on this one... I think you are the one with the issue. If we were talking about a teenager, then yes, I'd say she needs to meet you halfway, but with a child this young, I think we stepparents have to understand that it's up to us to find a way to connect with the child(ren) and make it work.
One last thing, the thing about the sheets really bothered me. I mean, no, it's probably not your responsibility to make sure she has clean sheets on her bed and if you and DH have a clear-cut division of labor within your home and washing her bedding is his responsibility, then he deserves to be smacked upside the head for not providing her with clean sheets. But as a mother and as a woman, I don't understand why you don't just throw them in the wash, since you know they are dirty and need to be laundered.
~ Anne ~
P.S. I've been keeping my mouth shut a lot lately because I've been finding myself siding more with the BMs than with some of the SMs that have been posting lately, and since I don't really want to get called a bitch again and be crucified on this site, I've been keeping my comments to myself. But I have to say that I'm amazed with some of the stuff I'm reading lately.
Come on, you guys, we are talking about CHILDREN here! When we're commenting about how much we hate the ex or how annoying the kids are... I mean, I came here to vent just like the rest of you and I have plenty of venom to spew when it comes to the way I and we have been treated by my husband's ex-wife and their children. But at some point we have to ask ourselves, "Aren't I better than that?" God, I hope the answer is yes, otherwise, we'll all end up losing the stepfamily game. I think Janice was right when she posted that she wanted to try to put a more positive spin on things, instead of feeding into the anger machine. As much as I've bitched and moaned about my own problems here, I have to agree.
I don't know where I'm going with this, just rambling at this point, I guess. I have two sick kids and I'm worn out from taking temperatures, cleaning up vomit, handing out medicine, rocking pitiful little bodies to sleep. I finally got everyone down for the night (I hope!) and wanted to check in here before I went to bed myself. I guess when my little ones are sick, it makes me ultra-sensitive to ALL little ones out there in the world.
Love you all, even if I totally disagree with you and vice versa! GOOD NIGHT!
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
Your post was so right on and a good reminder to us all!
I agree completely! I don't particularly jump with glee at the sight of my stepkids either...they are adult age now but that is not there problem. If they were my own kids and had the same personalities, I would probably be fine with them...but they aren't. I have to own that and not take that out on them. I chose this life...they didn't and I will make it or break it. I refuse to dish out any misery to them as a result of the choices of my husband and I. I like the positive spin idea...there is so much that we could offer each other that is positive, not devious or hurtful and in the end we would feel so much more empowered for all the right reasons! Great post and thanks for the positive energy!
Don't worry Anne, you're not gonna catch hell
I appreciate your comments. They didn't offend me. It's my blog and I'll vent away regardless. If people don't want to read - then go to another post.
And Stamina - yes - great that you can be so positive. fantastic
My SD knows I don't like her. Yep, that's true. But it wasn't always that way. It happened over a period of time. I cannot be forced to feel for a child that shows me no respect. And it was like that from the beginning - no matter what I tried.
The sheets - that's DH idea that he would look after the domestic side of things for his daughter's visits. It's their prerogative how the room is kept. And no I will not wash them. Why should I? DH said that he'd do it.
I am a Realist Anne, realistic enough to know that nearly 70% of second marriages fail for the very things those of us who dare to complain about on this site find it difficult to live with.
Let's just say I represent a sizeable proportion of SMs - many who visit this site and don't leave posts.
I'm going to meditate now under my pyramid and channel positive energy to empower myself
So true, Realist!
The very things that people vent about on this site are what causes a very high percentage of divorces in second marriage. And I can relate to everything that you are feeling, Realist, and yep, I am sure that your feelings have evolved over time to where they are now. But, for no other reason, than to give yourself an emotional break, get some personal counselling...I did and it was awesome...for me! The problem between you and hubby isn't the eight year old...it is really the hubbie's response to the 8 year old and you. I will bet that he somehow became the go-between which increased the antagonism between she and you. You know what...it is what it is...but get yourself some help before you blow a gasket...I needed to and my anger started to tear me up from the inside out. And you know something, it didn't seem to impact them in the least...maybe it did...just my perception but it didn't matter then. What mattered is what I allowed the situation to do to me! Get back some of your own personal power, health and happiness...that coming from an idealist who works very hard to get things that way! Good luck!
Casting a positive spin indeed BIOMOM
and isn't it interesting how such negativity can rise to the surface so quickly?
And what actions are you most annoyed at BIOMOM? Expecting my husband to do a task that he said that he'd do?
I am not looking for your judgment and quite frankly YOU are in no position to cast it.
You're right, she's just a little girl. Something I never said she wasn't. What is your point? Oh yes, that's right, that I'm a little girl too because I expected my husband to do something he said he'd do and no I don't like SD.
Don't respond to my comments in future. I don't want or need them. You don't agree with me and I sure don't agree with you.
"HUGS TO YOU TOO", Realist
Do you have an assertive personality?
Over the years I have learned that my personality scares and intimidates people. I think it's strange, but it's true. Assertive woman have a habit of making people feel as though they are just too forward and they don't know how to intergrate with people like that. I know, b/c this has been pointed out to me about my personality. Some people just don't know how to take a woman being so assertive, so they label that person as bitch or feminist, when possibly that is not the case. Is there a chance that this little girl might think your personality is overbearing and she just can't handle it?
And just so you know, I really don't like how my ss behaves at all (he is 13 and highly ill mannered). My dh and I have a good routine as far as discipline and chores, but if my dh fails to do something to take care of his son, even though I am totally unappreciated by ss, I still help my dh out by taking care of ss (like washing the sheets). Your sd is too young to be expected to maintain clean sheets, and if your dh forgets, I encourage you to put your feelings aside and help your dh provide a clean home, meals, and yes clean sheets for this little girl. I think of it as helping my dh, rather than helping my ss. And believe me, I do have resentment towards my ss, but all in all, when he needs something for his health or education, and my dh slips...well, I will still help pick up the pieces. Just some food for thought.
Good luck on your exams.
Me too...
I am also seen as being assertive...and I am! This has allowed me to be involved in many incredible experiences during my life. But there are times when emotion takes this positive quality and brings one step too far and it becomes aggressive...which is not good. That is something that people who are assertive must always consider. I try to be aware that people aren't always intimidated by my because of their insecurity (not my issue): sometimes they are intimidated by my desire and ability to intimidate them because of my nature (definitely my issue). It is all a matter of having some personal insight...hard to do but definitely necessary!
So glad I'm not the only one!
The honesty and loud laugh just scare people sometimes...and I'm not trying to! When I was first approached and informed that I scare people...I thought...what?! I have a small, petite frame...and I intimidate people? Who'd a thunk it?
Oh, lordy... if everytime I had a quarter...
for every person who thought/thinks I was/am a b!tch- I'd be rich by now! (And that is excluding the BMs!) Ain't that the truth about assertive women!
Boy, am I with you about intimidating personality... I think that there are quite a few women out there that may not always realize just how they are truly perceived by others. And when you get an insecure personality mixed in with an assertive personality... Oh, boy! Ain't that a field day! LOL.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Me too
Let's see if we can bottle it!
WOW I am shocked
Realist I love your personality. And I am only offering my opinion. I know how tough this is for you. I am a bio and step mom with issues in my own home and that is why I come here. To help me deal with the cards I chose.. I love my husband and all my kids very much and they have all hurt me, made me angry, made me cry. It is just a very stressful life we lead. But no matter how tough it gets I love all of them.
My point to you is, I have a daughter who is going to be 11 and just about 1 year ago her dad started dating for the first time in 7 years. She was completely devastated. She had so many concerns about me and my feelings with her dad having a GF. This little girl could have issues with you because of her mom's issues maybe. She could feel like if she shows anything feeling wise towards you that she may hurt her mom. I cannot say for sure.
But she is 8 and no matter how mad she makes you or hurt you are. Which is how I see you is hurt. Why? Because you are still there trying. You are at the point where your hurt is turning to anger. And I am not at all saying its easy or that you should take the high roaed because you are hurt. If I were in your shoes and trust me I have been, I would try to talk to her alone. Try to set time aside and try to do whatever it is to make you and her bond. Maybe your personality is scary to her. I know I am a very tell you like it is, loud person and I think my SK were pretty afraid of me when they first met me. They have since learned a lot. I just tried to teach my SD something last night about this stupid boy. Hopefully it will work.
The other thing is this is your husbands daughter in which case it can make or break your marriage. I see him getting hurt by both of you. Not just her and not just you. You are both two very important and special people in his life and he loves both of you, so he is probably very torn right now. He can't choose between the two of you, can he? I imagine not.
I hope I am not offending you. I know as for the BM side of the situation. I always try to wear two hats, it does not always work for me. This morning if you read my blog, it took coming here for me to see my current little issue in another light..
I think that you and SD need to get to know one another. I am not totally 100% on your whole relationship and how it happened..
I can say though that my daughter was so much better off with GF when she learned that I was ok. My SK are much better knowing that there mother and I have a relationship now. Things are better. That is not to say that I couldn't smack the crap out of my SD sometimes and SS or even my own kids but I love them all the same and would do anything I could for them.
I am sorry so long.. I probably could ramble more..
This again is all my opinion.
Okay... now that I've come to the end of all of this...
and as usual, the last to post... geesh I always feel like I'm missing something! Like... hurry up, you can do it, you're almost to the end now baby!... it's not too late... LOL...
Okay, Realist. I don't know everything about you, I don't know your entire history, but each time I read your post, I get and gather a little bit more about you. I don't think your bad, mean, or cruel. It is perfectly natural to have personality clashes. It is perfectly normal to NOT LIKE YOUR STEPCHILDREN.... (Oh, gaps from the crowds! How dare a stepmom say that!)
It sounds like you really are trying and attempting to no avail. But would I would like to ask you is how often in the two years do you truly see this child? Does she live with you full time? I'm just curious. Or, does this child come and go between homes? I don't remember if you mentioned this, I'm too lazy to track the posts... forgive me, I'm dealing with a lot myself right now... but I just am curious to know just what the daily interactions really honestly are between you, because then, it may make sense, or may not.
It could totally be a personality clash between you. It could be this child has a deep seeded resentment against you for whatever reason we don't understand yet. This is what it sounds like to me. She could be projecting all her 'anger' towards you for whatever she's upset about and with that, you need counseling to fix.
Second, anger is just a form of hurt/pain. So when people are angry or mad, it's just another form of hurtful feelings. They lash out because they are hurt and need to feel relief. So, in many ways because you have attempted to no avail to make things peachy with this child, she rejects you and you are getting hurt, which festers, then you get mad. Vicious cycle as it goes, isn't' it.
May I suggest that perhaps it's time to sit back. When you have attempted some form of communication and it's not working, you leave the room and count to ten. Take a deep breath, try again with a different approach. It really really sounds like you may have to buckle down and be patient with this child. I also think that you may need to get counseling for this too. That way, you'll have tools to use to walk you through this. It will take time, and by no means will you be able to snap your fingers... if it were only that easy right!?!?! Man, if I could just wrinkle my nose every so often, life would be grand!
Hang in there. Let the negative roll off your back. Take a deep breath, and walk away when necessary, but don't give up. Never give up. It may have NOTHING to do with you, but I agree with happy that this could totally, and I truly feel this is the case, that this child is resistive to you out of guilt. I think she may have some deep seeded resentment for you for which she doesn't even understand.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Totally agree
This week I've been doing a lot of thinking about my reaction to SD.
Several comments SD has made in the past may suggest the origin....
1. On wedding day - "I'm glad it's only my dad getting married because if it was my mum I'd care more than about you"
2. The old classic - "I don't have to do it because you're not my mother"
3. In reference to the home I bought outright with blood sweat and tears before I married her DH - "This is half my house now don't you know." (and then denied saying it when questioned by her father)
4. "If you weren't married to my father I wouldn't have to see you."
5. "Why are you using my dad's phone?"
And the list goes on - and these are unsolicited comments. AND I know she's a child. But the comments don't endear me to her.
You are right, she has deep seeded resentment for me and she doesn't understand it. I used to see her more - but not now. I believe from day 1 she has not been fed positive messages from her BM about our marriage. BM openly negatively criticises our marriage as "a happy family" as relayed to me via DH.
I am taking a major step back. Who loses? I don't know - SD has told her dad that she only wants to see him and it has been that way for a long time - well before I pulled back.
I don't blame her. She's a kid. However, she knows how to manipulate her dad - even if she doesn't know she's doing it.
Quite frankly I am tired. Tired of trying, tired of arguing, tired of ignoring....I am going to focus on my child for a while. She's been a real trooper through all of this. And don't get me wrong - there's no big flare ups, no hotly contested debates, it's just a shame because I was really looking forward to being a SM.
SD is an only child - so I do think she's protective of her BM. She should be. Believe me, I am often the only one sticking up for BM when DH and my MIL criticise her. She's doing the best she can and she loves her daughter. Sure, she doesn't have the same ideas as me, but like Anne said - who died and made me chief of behavioural science!
You'll all be happy to know the sheets are on the line!
She sounds pretty heartless
if that is the correc thing to say. I guess for me because I have children who are just turned 8 and 10 its hard to believe a little kid can be that way. (I am not saying I don't believe you) just looking at my kids and how they are. You know.
I think its very sad that this little girl is like this. Because it makes me believe that the older she gets the worse she will be not just to you but other people too. Has anyone seen Mean Girls the movie, I about fainted when I watched that. My daughter watched it with me and I told her thru out the movie that she best treat all people with kindness and respect. Of course when I am not around who knows what she does. Its very sad though.
This little girl has no clue what a bonus you are. I have found that now since my SD is talking to me more she finds it a little easier to talk to me. Which is a good thing.. But she still goes to her mom.
I am sorry Realist that you have to go thru this. But you seem like a tough cookie who will manage just fine. I just hope that you and your hubby can keep things together. It will probbaly be a little tougher but you will pravail (sp). Anyways..
We will be here for you to vent or someone like me will offer my opinion. Cuz I have them all the time..
Anyways.. Have a great day..
Thanks Happy
and at the end of the day it's comments like yours that make this site the haven it is for SMs.