Physical contact and affection builds family bonds ........ even with Skids.
This post intiated some interesting discussion on another StepParent community I belong to.
Any thoughts?
Best regards,
For the last week and a half everytime I get the desire to impulsively kiss or hug my son, I have also seeked my step son out and kiss or hugged him. Yesterday I was scratching my sons back while he sat on my lap. My step son took a bathroom break from his computer game and I told him to come here and turn around. When he did I scrathced his back for him. I didn't ask, I just did it. I got a "AWW nelly Thankyou" from him. I have also recently been told that I am the nicest person he knows, and I get spontanous hugs from him. It is hard to explain but when he made the comment that he didn't belong to a happy family, I took it that he didn't feel he was a part of his moms or dads family anymore, because his dads family included my son and I. I could tell him that I loved him, and wanted the best for him, but my step son needs to feel that I love him and he is just as much mine as my BS is. I have concentrated on him and his needs more and he seems to have reciperated with a better self esteem of his belonging in our family.
Posted 4 days ago by Nellerray; Group member, 63 posts
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i think its great IF its reciprocated
and the skids are open to it...many arent, bc of BM's bad influence or whatever. some of us try really hard to no avail to be loving and affectionate towards our skids...
im curious--what kind of discussion did this prompt?
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Mostly supportive and appreciative of the idea.
The other community I belong to is not as large or as active as this one so the volume of discussion is limited as are the number of perspectives presented.
That is why I wanted to see what the more vocal StepTalkers had to say.
Best regards,
I guess it depends
on if you're an affectionate person or not, if it's forced, it doesn't read as sincere. I tend to be more casual about affection with SD (she's older though, sounds like these kids are younger), I'll play with or stroke her hair, pat her on the back, or greet her and touch her on the back or on the shoulder. I usually don't out and out hug her unless she is upset (usually something BM did) but if she is upset I'll keep my arm around her, soothe her in any way I can.
I also do not curb my affection for my FH in front of SD. I will kiss him, hug him, lay on the couch with my head in his lap, etc. nothing rude or offensive of course, but yes, affection. Why? A. I want SD to see that her dad and I care for her each other B. I want her to take forward a loving and affectionate model into her own relationships. C. I do not want her to feel like she is interrupting our relationship by being here.
So yes, in general, I think physical affection, as long as it's not forced or unwanted by the other party is a good thing and does foster better self esteem and bonds in the family....
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
exactly NS
said perfectly! i couldnt agree more
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
It all depends
I think on the dynamic between the stepparent and stepchildren to begin with.
I think it is a really good idea to show your stepchildren affection if it comes from an authentic heart.
In my case, SS16 is not a tactile person to begin with-except with his father (interestingly enough not with his mother)-SS would not tolerate any affection from me-DH had me try to get SS to warm up to a friendly pat from me now and again but no way on either of our parts, it just felt so forced.
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
ditto for me
MY FSD is 16, I have known here since she was about 10, she was cautious around me in the beginning cuz of BioMom, but as she grew she began to realize I wasnt the enemy, now we are not affectionante to the extreme but I will touch her hair or touch her to goof around and lately we have hugged and I do think that has helped our (FSD) relationship- she now will tease me about being her only daughter! I have two biosons... she also put a comment on her myspace once that she know her dad and I love her.
Also FH and I are always affectionate when his kids are there, the ex was so awful to FH that I want her to see what a "healthy" relationship looks like too.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
Since I have raised SS as my own since he was 2yo ......
Neither affection nor physical contact have been an issue. While he was home from boarding school this past Christmas, on a couple of occasions he threw a pillow in my lap, flopped down on the couch and put his head in my lap. "Scratch my head Dad!". I am just glad it was his Mom rubbing his feet. :O
My wife and also do not avoid affection or physical contact around our son (my SS-16). (within the bounds or acceptability of course). He will not suffer for want of the example of a loving, caring affectionate relationship example.
Interestingly he has not shown any penchant for a physical relationship with any of his young lady friends and there are many who pretty much throw themselves at him rather wantonly.
Another interesting behavior is that he is not comfortable with affection unless he initiates it. Giving him a random hug seems to bother him. If he wants a hug or sits down next to you and puts his head on your shoulder he is fine.
And for me
It depends on the situation- it's all a "two-way" street...
DH and I have always been affectionate in front of all our kids, even to their great "teen" dismay! We'll hold hands in public, cuddle on the couch, etc.
And I'm also very affectionate with my older BS18, who has Down Syndrome. He and I have always had a close relationship and he's an extremely loving person in general.
But my BS15 is just the opposite. As a younger child, he used to be 'attached' to me, constantly jumping in my lap and wanting to be near me. Now as a teenager, he can't seem to get further away from me! (Yeah- teens are adorable...NOT
And the SDs are very standoffish and unaffectionate when it comes to me. It definitely came from the brainwashing of their crazy BM, because in the VERY BEGINNING it wasn't that way at all. (Thanks, Slinky). SD18 did get a little more comfortable with me when she lived here FT for 1-1/2 years, occasionally cuddling up to me on the couch while we were watching movies together, but all-in-all, they all keep their distance.
Oh, well. I have DH and my BS. And that's enough for me. I don't think you can "force" the affection. It has to be wanted by both parties or it's just not going to work...JMHO.
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
I'm not affectionate enough.
I have to try to remember to hug my family! Sad huh? Especially since my mom was really loving, but I didn't get that. I like to hug, once in a while, when I initiate it! LOL! I hate it when my son or my SD walks up to me and wallers all over me. But I can't help it.....I just like personal space.
Of course with my BD 17 months we snuggle all the time. She's my favorite person in the world though, so some exceptions are made.
I think I'm to honest sometimes.
Unfortunately, it won't cross the emotional barrier
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
The huge barrier between myself and SD17 can't be crossed that easily. Oh, I have hugged her. A quick, goodbye hug, "love you" for the first few months. And if her father is around she'll give me one of those standoff pat-hugs back. But it's forced. It's not real. And neither is it real if I hug here-the feelings do not support it.
SD14 and I are very affectionate with each other-like she's my own kid. And it's the real thing.
Perhaps if SD17 wasn't quite so old when we got married, it would've made a difference. But probably not. I've known her for a very long time, and she has grown into just what i thought she would-from a petulant, pouty, bossy young girl into a petulant, bossy, pouty young adult.
Have you ever hugged a board?
We love all the time...
When SS was younger and saw DH and I loving(nothing he should not see) he would run up in the middle of us to get in on the action. Now he just grins ear to ear, turns red and looks away. He is 8. SS, H, and myself are all very affectionate with each other. We hug, we kiss and love. SS has a BM that is not near as affectionate and is violent with her partner. In the last 6mths SS has commented on several occasions that his Dad and I are "Special". when asked why are we special SS responds with cause ya'll love each other and ya'll love me and we work together as a team. I thought that pretty profound for an 8 year old. As Nothersiren stated I purposely love on H in front of SS because I want him to see what a happy relationship is like and how you should treat the ones you love because SS has said before to his dad and I that when gets a girlfriend or a wife that he does not want one that hits him but one that loves him like ya'll love each other. I truly feel when SS is with us he feels like he has a dad and a mom with him. While it is made clear he only had one mom he comes back with yeah but you treat me like a mom should and love me like that. I believe in fact this past summer on the way to vacation SS is doodling in the back seat and he says Dad Step G and we say what? and he said I love Love it is the best word that God ever made.
I'm a hugger
I'm a hugger. Everyone in my family is very affectionate and it takes a half an hour when we are leaving a party just to say bye. From day one when I met SD then 14 I have always given her a big hug and treated her as a friend. We actually get along really well and she is now 16 and has for the past two years sent me thank you cards for b/day and the times that she has stayed with us. She directs these to me only (I kinda feel bad for my FH!) and says how much fun she has with, how she appreciates my genorisity how she loves our dogs, and she can't wait to come back and hang out with me again. It probably helps that we like the same kind of clothes, have the same taste in things like music and hairstyles and it is probably refreshing for her to not be around her mom who is a complete frump. I always make her feel welcome and at home but I do not and my FH does not spoil her either (I saw him do it only once!)
I am normally an
I am normally an affectionate person with DH and my family but not with the skids!! oh hell no!!
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
I like this post b/c
it makes me face a part of my life I really dont want to. Affection.....just the word makes me want to cringe sometimes. My exH used to use "affection" to mean that he could bash my head into a wall at any time and I was supposed to turn around a hug him afterwards. Nice huh?
Growing up, I dont really remember my parents being affectionate towards any of us kids. I used to be a huggy person, but after my exH, I no longer do that, and I guess he's why. After I moved in with my aunt when I was 15, she hugged me all the time. It always made me uncomfortable, even though I loved her probably more than my own parents.
I never really became affectionate with either SD, so maybe that's one of the many reasons we are not close? Funny thing is, I am affectionate with my sons, both of them. Dh and I DO show affection in front of them, they hate it, but we do it anyway. I like to embarass them when we are in public and I'll give him a kiss or hug or hold his hand. Always makes me laugh.
I do have a friend that is very cold that way. She cannot stand people to hug her, so she rarely gets human contact.
During my first marriage I retreated from affection .....
but that is what happens when you get emotionally smacked around for being affectionately demonstrative.
It took me a while to get back to my more normal affectionate self. Early in our marriage my Wife (the current and last one) would comment that it bothered her that I would not hold her hand in public,give her a kiss or walk with our arms around each other.
That was a holdover from my 2.6 years with the frigid XW (the Ice Queen).
But, I got over it and have no issue with PDA now.
I have to say that in hind site, I missed the affection and demonstrative caring that was lacking in my first marriage.
There goes my man card again! :O
Best regards,
As I was reading this
my BS11 gave DH a hug for the very first time. Awwww... well, it was a sideways kind of hug, but that's a BIG step for him. DH was beaming! We're all pretty affectionate. DH didn't want to force it with my son so he let it play out. A year later... he gets a HUG!!
SD is uber-affectionate. Drives me nuts. I think it's because I feel like she's only being affectionate for attention and not because she wants to show any real caring for me. She's a complete attention whore and would hug and snuggle a complete stranger if we'd let her. I hug her back because I don't have the heart to turn her away, she is only 7 after all. But I seldom initiate with her. In fact, I try to wait until she's asleep before I tuck the kids in just so I can avoid hugging her good night without her knowing. I'm a bad person, I know. I agree with the previous posts, if it's reciprocated and everyone is comfortable with it, it's a good thing.
I've noticed, as a side note, if I'm feeling especially antagonistic towards her, I'll let her sit on my lap during church or while watching a movie or something. Sometimes if I make the effort to do something physical like that, it softens my heart a bit.
Yet another side note - I've mentioned that she doesn't seem to have appropriate social boundries, affection is an example. Her hugs feel like she's trying to pop your head off. She thinks it's hilarious to scream at top volume in your ear while you're hugging her, she'll pick up complete strangers toddlers and carry them around even when they're screaming and terribly frightened, she won't get down when you try to put her down, she clings to you, and even licks you. I know, ewww. These are some of the OTHER reasons I don't hug her if I can help it.
Screaming in your ear while hugging? Smack her on the lips!
That crap would not fly anywhere near me. That would be one unhappy young lady if she pulled that crap with me.
I would recommend every time she screamed in some one's ear pop her on the lips with the back of your hand. Not hard enough to hurt but with enough force to get her attention.
Causing pain to others for fun, enjoyment or in attempt to be cute should never be acceptable behavior.
IMHO of course.
Best regards,
I'm not allowed
to slap/hit/spank/etc. As a SM, I really wouldn't want to anyway. But the last time she screamed in my ear it startled me and hurt so badly I threw her across the room just as an instinctive reaction. The subsequent bruising created quite the turmoil, but dammit quit screaming in my ear! DH used to think this was just "cute" "normal" kid stuff. I assured him that it is not and he really cracked down on her. In his defense, he's never really been around kids much, but still... come on! Even a baby is told no and their hand is pushed away when they are reaching for something they shouldn't touch. Well, that's probably not true for SD, but I digress. I play a good night game with my kids every night and I won't do it with her anymore because she screams in my ear. That makes me mean, I've heard, because I'm leaving her out. I gave her ample warning and she just kept doing it and laughing about it. That's what I don't understand, my kids are horrified and truly apologetic when they accidently hurt me. Why would anyone laugh right in your face when they've hurt you on purpose?
I agree with your DH in this situation...
I have to say that I totally agree with you DH in this situation...You shouldn't exclude his daughter from the the "good night games"...Instead, you should include her by creating a unique "good night game" to play with just her...Here is how the game should go...
Wait for her to fall asleep then sneak into her room, lean over the sleeping sweet pea, and scream in her ear...DH can change her bedding after you have scared the piss out of her..After all, you don't want DH to feel left out of the "good night games"...You can make the game a family affair!! LOL..
In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted
Ha ha ha ha
I'm just mean enough to do it too! What a great suggestion!
Me too...
LOL....So am I..I get no better pleasure that giving both dh and step snot a dose of their own behavior.The best part about it is that when your DH freaks out because you screamed in his daughters year..You can fain shock and use the same excuses for yourself that he uses for his screaming mimi!! LOL..
In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted
I really think there's something not right
about this child, but I don't know what. If she has some sort of disorder, I'd like to figure out what and learn how to deal with it. If not, I'd like her dad to start whipping her butt and making her behave. I honestly don't know if she's just a brat or if she's just not "normal".
Can she go live with your SD?
A disorder
Im sure the kid does have a disorder...Her Bio Parents!
In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities.~ disgusted
The only thought that come to mind for me was "Ewwww"...
In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted
My SD9 is
only affectionate when she sees me with my BS2. She will then sit on my lap and do whatever he did to get me to hug or kiss her. Which is fine, to be honest I should do it more with her. But it is hard for me, I am very resentful about all the lies she has told about me.
I sometimes will tickle my son and "cover " him with kisses. I say "come here and give mommy a kissy" and he laughs and laughs. My SD will say "what about me, what about me". But I feel odd, she is 9 1/2 years. Maybe I shouldn't but I do. I will just give her a hug and kiss too, or let her sit on my lap.
It seems like sometimes she is all over me (when she is being good, so far 1 month 1/2 spurt). Other times she is SO nasty and has a really bad attitude.
I have an opinion about this...
Tell the BM to "Go to hell"
No, not really. But who the HELL is SHE to dictate what happens in YOUR HOME between YOU and your Future Husband?
And you better get your future husband's balls back from this woman as well...because it look like we have YET ANOTHER case of a man who CLEARLY lost them in the divorce!
Your FH needs to get the idea into his big, fat, thick skull that BM DOES NOT CALL THE SHOTS in your home and what goes on between the two of you. Who the hell is SHE to dictate if you and he KISS in front of the kids? Or hold hands? OH THE SHAME OF IT ALL!!!
You better put him (and her) in their place right now or you will be in for a world of hurt and headaches in the future!
JMO. (Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. Threw it away.)
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"