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A friends family situation. Crazy Making

Rags's picture

We spent the weekend with a friend whose DH is on international assignment rotation.  

Her sister is at the end of a 24 year marriage to what I can only assume is an NPD crazy inducing DH.

He had a prior marriage end and pretty much lost his son from that marriage.   A friend of his apparently told him that to avoid the same thing happening again he needed to make sure the next woman he married was crazy.  So, apparently there is a thing called "Crazy Making" that has been a Psychological concept for a number of years.  This sounds like an aplified version of Gas Lighting with a concerted targeted effort to destabalize the psychological well being of the targeted indivicual.

So, a year ago our friend's sister was commited to a Psychological institution and has been in and out for the past year.  Her STBXH was granted primary custody of their 4 minor children (their eldest is 24) and the wife was awarded weekly supervised visitation as their divorce progressed.  The STBXH maniplated and delayed the visitation for monts until he was smacked around by a Judge and strongly sensured.  

Ultimately the STBXH managed to manipulate to have the pastor of his church named the visitation supervisor.  Over the past many months of supervised visitation the Pastor has come to the conclusion that the STBXH has been severly PASing the kids, targeting the wife within the small town community where they live,  and manipulating the situation.

All of the kids had visitation with their mom over the Holidays and it apparently went well.

Then the second eldest kid was severly injured in an accident and the STBXH conviced the mom that she would be escorted out by hospital security if she showed up at the hospital.   

Mom then attempted suicide. The consensus is that it was not a serious attempt but it was an attempt non the less.

So, our friend, her parents and her "sane" sister are doing what they can to help the ill sister. 

A tough situation for all. Particularly all of the kids. Apparently the eldest has been caring for the younger 4 since mom was institutionalized and it sounds to me that Daddy has shifted his manipulation to the eldest child now that he has driven his wife nucking futz.  The eldest has indicated that she has suspisions regarding her dad but is hesitant to engage fully with mom or any of mom's family.

As the STBXH's house of cards comes crashing down he is getting progressively more shitty towards his mentally ill wife.

Any thoughts or advice that might be useful for our friend?

Thanks and regards,


shamds's picture

If any pas has happened then both parents are in a way seen as not to be trusted. Unfortunately this is something where time will show who has been lying and who has spoken the truth but even then its dependent on this daughter being able to see the facts objectively 

often with pas the kids have the facts crystal clear but still believe the lies of the alienating parent as a result of decades of brainwashing 

thinkthrice's picture

Husband's 1st wife PASed out his kids against him so he turned around and PASed out his kids from his 2nd wife against her?

That is whacko!!

Rags's picture


Multiplied by 5.  He had one with his first wife and 5 with his second. Ages 24-4.  He has scrambled not only his wife's brain but has also scrambled the brains of all 5 of their kids.  His prior relationship son has pretty much written him off.

Apparently the eldest met with her mom a couple of days ago and it went well.  They got the mentally ill sister or our friend set to enter an in patient facility where she could get electro shock treatments intended to address her suicidal tendencies.  

Then.... at the last minute she refused to go to the facility.  So, her parents are pursuing being made her guardians so they can force the in patient facility and treatment and in lieu of that having their daughter made a ward of the state. Their concern is that her STBX will use this to terminate her parental rights.