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4year old Step Daughter -Out of Control

pushed_over_the_edge's picture

I am seriously going to end up in the nut house any dAY now. This mostly is attributed to my 4 year old step daughter's behavior. She is completely out of control. I keep telling her father that we need to have her taken in to her pediatrician to make sure everything is ok with her. I mean it's not that she's not smart, because believe me...she may be a little too smart for her own good if you know what I mean.

Does anyone else have issues with their step kid/ biological child repeatedly getting up in the middle of the night and raiding the fridge? If so please HELP! It would be so appreciated. Every night My SD sneaks into the kitchen and takes a ton (and when I say a TON I mean more food than a normal person, let alone a 4 yr. old should be able to eat). The next morning I find empty packages and wrappers and drinks either hiding or just out in plain view in her room. When asked why she did this AGAIN, the response she gives is always "I didn't do it." Spankings, time outs, privileges taken away, etc. have not worked. She continues to do the same thing every night. And it would make a little sense if the girl was hungry, but she eats more than she should throughout the day as it is. One day I found a whole package of 8 hot dogs in her room, all but one eaten, as well as a pkg of lunchmeat and a pkg of salami, all the string cheese, half a loaf of bread and a bag of corn tortillas with at least 10 gone. How is this possible for her to eat like tis??!! and amazingly she does not ever get sick. And why, could someone please explain why, she continues to do this daily, no matter what the consequences have been for her?

Besides this little food issue, she also has a problem with taking her step bro and sis's things. Oh and stuff of mine too. She does this when no one is watching and in the middle of the night while we are all asleep too. And to make it worse half of the time whatever it is that she took ends up destroyed. I know she is only 4 , but its been about 2 years now that I have tried to teach her about respecting other peoples things and respect in general. SHE JUST DOESN"T SEEM TO CARE! It is so frustrating and I just would love for some advice in regards to what may be the problem and what I should try to do.

There is so... so much more that this child does and that she puts not only me, but everyone else in the home through, but I seriously don't have the energy to write it all out. I'd be at this computer typing for a week straight.

:jawdrop: Desperate for any Help!!! :jawdrop:


pushed_over_the_edge's picture

Thanks for the info. Did your SD grow out of all her bad behaviors after 4 years old then?

just.his.wife's picture

There is a disease out there hyperphagia or polyphagia, which is literally an unsatiable appetite.

There is another condition whose name I do not recall where people with this disease have been known to eat until their stomach explodes due to being overfilled. Essentially the brain and stomache do not communicate to feel "full".

Take the kid to the doctor, have her tested. In the meantime, put locks on the fridge and pantry.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i've heard of the night eating thing. she may actually be sleepwalking or only partially consious. doctor is a good idea, like lady i also thought of locking her in - but a safer, more dfcs-friendly thing might be an alarm on her door.

(here u can get them at the dollar store - a magnet on the frame, and a magnet on the door itself. when the door is opened it separates the two magnets and starts squealing.)

AllySkoo's picture

I thought of the sleepwalking thing too. My brother used to sleepwalk, as a kid - he looked totally awake, eyes open and everything. He would say the WEIRDEST crap though (because he was actually dreaming), which was how we knew he was asleep. My parents ended up putting a deadbolt at the top of the front door the night after he went for a sleepwalk down the street....

AllySkoo's picture

GAH! Oh my god that gave me the creeps! I'm seriously tempted to put cameras around my house just in case, and I'm not missing anything! Lol

HungryEyes's picture

My son was a bad night eater and it was due to medication. Does she eat during the day? Her father needs to be in charge of disciplining her. You step back and tell him to deal. Make him do the grocery shopping to replenish what she's eating. Also 4 year is a hard age but it's still 4. They don't understand respect. They need consistent consequences.

Not at all trying to put you down- but I learned a lot from taking a parenting class. That might help.