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Freaking out

Exhausted SM's picture

I recently put my 3 stepchildren on my insurance because it was much cheaper and better insurance than my husband's job offers. SS went to ER over the weekend and ER needed all my info (including my Social Security Number):-O :shocked. I had to give it so they could take care of SS. Well, now BM received a copy of all paperwork from ER with my info. My husband told her that she needs to use it only for medical care regaurding the kids but I don't trust her one bit. My husband reassures me that she is not that stupid to commit a felony but she really hates me that much. I don't think that she would do anything with it because she is scared of the consequences but you never know. Should I worry or just wait and see. I also check my credit report often just in case. HELP!:jawdrop


Renee G's picture

That kind of information does NOT belong in her hands. It is WAY too easy to abuse it, and cause you problems. Actually proving that she abused it is difficult. We continually deal with problems caused by the ex because she has my husband's info, even after 5 years.
I don't think the ER should have given her that private info. She's not the responsible billing party, and the only thing she is entitled to is the medical info. I'd ask them about that.

renee - *blend

leapinglion's picture

If it were me I'd ask DH to ask BM to give you the paperwork to keep. I wouldn't worry too much unless there's anything else you can do about it. Good luck!

Persephone's picture

First of all they will only send the billing information to the person who's insurance is paying. Secondly, you can ask that all personal info (non-public information; SSN, date of birth, etc) be excluded from communications to parties not directly related to the treatment or insurance payment on the account.

I would relax.. if she were dumb enough to commit fraud or identity theft, she should at least expect that you would know where to start looking.

ultrak's picture

I would be a little pissed off to if she had my info . But I think you are doing the right thing as far a keeping a close eye on your credit report

OldTimer's picture

What generally happens is that most of the major healthcare insurance companies still operate under a very old system that is set up using individual's ssn. And what many people don't know is that a lot of the healthcare insurance system's out there actually run on other major health insurance systems... not their own...interesting huh? It's like a lease for some, so to give you cuts in your insurance costs, they lease part of another major insurance system. They don't have full access, but use a chuck of it, if that makes sense. So, while you may have xyz insurance, abc insurance is really running their software for them. It's because the healthcare system is sooo huge and vast, it would cost more money to recreate a new system than to just simply redevelop the old one.

If the facility actually did hand over information regarding you, particularly your ssn, to the BM, they are in direct violation of HIPPA under section 1171 Diablo INDIVIDUALLY IDENTIFIABLE HEALTH INFORMATION.--The term 'individually identifiable health information' means any information, including demographic information collected from an individual, that--

Angel is created or received by a health care provider, health plan, employer, or health care clearinghouse (basically the billing software that handles your claims from the facility to the insurance company); and

(B) relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual, the provision of health care to an individual, or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to an individual, and--

(i) identifies the individual; or

(ii) with respect to which there is a reasonable basis to believe that the information can be used to identify the individual.

If in fact they did provide BM with your personal information without your consent, then the penalty for which the violation is under is section 1177, and you may have grounds not only sue BM if she so uses your information, but the facility who provided the information to her as well.


SEC. 1177. Angel OFFENSE.--A person who knowingly and in violation of this part--

(1) uses or causes to be used a unique health identifier;

(2) obtains individually identifiable health information relating to an individual; or

(3) discloses individually identifiable health information to another person,

shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

(b) PENALTIES.--A person described in subsection Angel shall--

(1) be fined not more than $50,000, imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both;

(2) if the offense is committed under false pretenses, be fined not more than $100,000, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both; and

(3) if the offense is committed with intent to sell, transfer, or use individually identifiable health information for commercial advantage, personal gain, or malicious harm, be fined not more than $250,000, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

The healthcare system is riddled with patient ssn numbers, and healthcare associates have been neglectful for years of disposing this information. This is the exact reason that HIPPA was brought into effect- to address this issue right here, improperly disposing or handling of private information and a big big no no factor is Social Security Numbers being printed or disseminated to non authorized individuals. In fact, under the new law, they are suppose to NOT use your SSN anymore, but use a non identifiable number. Some of the companies out there are having issues with implementing this new number into their systems, and still have to use your SSN at times due to glitches. But they are making progress and many are complying.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

still_looking's picture

Ok for all the ladies out there who FEEL (not KNOW) but FEEL like crazy BIO MOM surely wouldn't commit a felony, then you really are living in a bubble. I have been a victim of identity theft COMMITTED by crazy bio-mom, she currently has a Mercedes in my NAME, has applied for over 62 credit inquiries which hit my credit report, my credit score dropped from a 700+ to a mid 500, she is STUPID, CRAZY, and is INVICIBLE above the law (in her opinion) because she is the ALMIGHTY BIO MOM!!!!!!!! AND SHE DID get all of my information from BCBS because we are required to have bio-kids on our insurance, and when you are UP TO NO GOOD, its amazing what all you can get!!!! You all are under the assumption that she called Blue Cross Blue Shield, and said "Hey I am BIO MOM and I need STEP MOM's personal information" DUHHHHHHHH!!!!! She didnt do that, according to BCBS, "A lady called and identified herself as WIFE (me) the security questions ARE/WERE (we have since changed them) were HUSBANDS mom's maiden name (well she was his wife for 10 years I think she knows this) and husbands last 4 of social, answering those questions they sent her our application, allowed her to change the address on the account and the password for online services. With that information, my name, social, date of birth, and drivers license number, she became ME, hence the reason I am called THE ONE U LOVE TO HATE. If you hate me so much, why the HELL do you insist on becoming me? Could it be that deep down inside YOU WISH U WERE ME, and your credit is so shabby that you can't get a lollipop on credit. So I have for the next 7 years of my life IDENTITY THEFT PROTECTION on my social, I have to drive around constantly with a Affidavit from the Sheriff's office, stating that a crime has been committed against me, because you never know when I might get arrested for a crime committed by BIO MOM, and I have a POLICE REPORT so thick it now has it's own filing system in our organizer. In case you are wondering why hasn't she gotten arressted yet, because even the state wants soooooooo much evidence that she can't GET A PLEA. So instead I have to be a victim while she commits offenses, and GUESS WHAT, we have to ACT like each and every day that we don't know it's her!!!!! Now that's uncomfortable, she is driving in a brand new 2008 Mercedes with my name on it and I can't say S**T!!!!

It can happen ladies, if it couldn't I would say it couldn't, if it hasn't happened to YOU then be thankful, BUT DONT think that someone who can't stand the ground you walk on, wouldn't commit a crime againt you.

"Be there for the joy. Be there for the tears. Be there for each other."
(Step-Mom the Movie 1998)

Exhausted SM's picture

So if she committed a crime and used your name and had a warrant for your arrest would you get arrested or does your paperwork protect you?

Anne 8102's picture

Have you notified the lender that gave her the loan for the car? I mean, tell them it wasn't you, have them pick it up and repossess it. If it is in your name, then have it towed and stowed in storage somewhere until you can get this mess cleared up. No way I'd let her get away with driving it. What a POS she is!

~ Anne ~

still_looking's picture

The affidavit ONLY protects me for assistance with GETTING out of jail faster, serious as a heart attack. If CRAZY BM eventually gets a warrant in my name, by LAW I have to get arrested, my DH or other family members (because they all have a copy of this police report, restraining order and affidavit) would then have to present it to the jail in order for them to realize that I have been a victim of identity theft.
Anne: I so wish that I only had to notify 1 lender, this lady is CRAZY, the lender ACTUALLY wants the vehicle back and is looking for a way to pick it up, NEWSFLASH TO ALL OUT THERE, if you are a victim of identity theft UNTIL the alleged BAD PERSON misses a payment THE LENDING INSTITUTION COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THE SO CALLED CRIME, GMAC advised me that "SHE IS MAKING THE PAYMENTS" SO UNTIL THE TARRANTY COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY GIVES THEM PERSMISSION TO SEIZE THE VEHICLE it must stay.
(And people wonder why I have lost over 40 pounds, without trying, SHOOT I am stressed!)

So as I wait for the DA's file to grow while they are GATHERING their evidence, it takes EVERY BIT OF SELF CONTROL not to go over there and "shoot" her in her head. (really not being funny) I am tired and mad!

"Be there for the joy. Be there for the tears. Be there for each other."
(Step-Mom the Movie 1998)