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purpledaisies's Blog

if one more person tells me my dad is my dad and to not forget it im going to scream

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Seriously I know that he raised me I know he loves me and he is my dad. But what happened to SUPPORT? Everyone seems to think I cut dad out. Jeez I just want to know my Bio father and the rest of my family. I just want add.

So why does everyone seem to think they need to keep telling me that dad lobes me and raised me and that is all that counts. No its not sorry bit its not that simple to just pretend!gggrrr

i just found out for sure my dad os not my dad

purpledaisies's picture

So what to do now? My mom will freak when I confront her. No easy way of doing it. I have suspected for a while now that he is not my Bio Dad but had nothing to go on. Til my crazy aunt sent me a nasty message about it e even called me a whore.

I started asking and asking for almost a year now til my other aunt finally confirmed it. I had asked mom but she refused to answer.

So I do I approach her without her freaking that I know. And i don't know who he is or if he even knows about me

I'm almost 40 and don't understand why it was kept from me for so long.

OMG!! somebody got to pay for my 15 kids~unbelievable

purpledaisies's picture

This an example of society teaching younger generations that they have no responsibility. how about get off your lazy ass and get a JOB! so what if the father of 10 of your kids is in jail that dowsn't mean you think someone else should pay for your 15 kids! :jawdrop: :sick:
