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why does yuck have to be so ready to fight?

purpledaisies's picture

Yuck textded dh yesterday
Yuck: we need to have a little chat
Dh: what did i do this time ( being a smart butt)
Yuck : oh no nothing it is about the trip

So dh called her b/ c he doesnt want anything to happen before we leave. So this is what she wanted.

There is a tropical storm in fl right now and wanted to know if we were watching the weather. And if we were going to cancel. Dh told her nope we are not canceling and yes we have been watching it. It's not like we are spending all this money and not plan.

Rolling my eyes really ? We were capable enough to come up with the money but not plan and watch the weather. Now I'm not saying she doesn't have the right to be concerned but to start a conversation with "we need to have a little chat" please she was just trying to start something but why???


Notmyownlife's picture

Im in florida. The TS went right over us. All is well and beautiful here. Nothing top worry about

Just thought it would be nice to have direct info from someone who lives there, lol

We have the same issue with Mother Troll.

purpledaisies's picture

Thank you for that. Smile my cousin is in Jacksonville which we will be stopping at first and he said the same thing. I have been watching it and making sure where she is and stuff. But we are morons that aren't going to look at everything and just fly by the of our pants and hope that everything is OK. Ok what ever.

just tired's picture

Don't know about your DH's ex, but my DH's ex loves to's like her heroin. She can't get enough!

If she can get DH to engage in ANY kind of convo, then it's game-on for her. Give her an inch, she takes a mile.

Best rule of thumb for people like that is limited contact or no contact.