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who the hell lets a kid drink coffee???

purpledaisies's picture

Yuck does! Now don't get me wrong once in a while for an older kid a specialty one is fine but everyday and just plain coffee. He even brings his own coffee maker here! Damn wtf?
He is so into coffee he brings his own coffee maker and coffee here. Now we aren't big coffee drinkers here but we do on occasion have some.

But to get a kid hooked on coffee?? That is just I have no words. Gggrrrr


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

How old?

I started drinking coffee when I was in 4th or 5th grade. I wouldn't have coffee every day, but, every Sunday I would make myself a cup before Sunday School (yep).

DaizyDuke's picture

My BS3 has been drinking coffee since he was about 18 months old. (iced dunkin Decaf) Obviously at his age it's only a few sips and he's over it, but I don't see the harm. My grandmother used to let me drink coffee when I was his age and it didn't hurt me at all.

doll faced sm's picture

I dunno; I don't have a problem with it. I started drinking coffee at 8, though, so there may be a bit of bias there.

purpledaisies's picture

He is 14 but has been allowed to drink it since he was young. He is so bad with it that he drinks a whole pot everyday. So he had to start bringing it with him.

As I said I don't think its bad if a kid drinks a cup every now and then but what ss14 does is way too much! He shouldn't have been allowed to have that much and every Damn day. But yet Yuck won't let them have pop b/c of caffeine. Lol

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

OK, yea, a pot a day is a bit excessive no matter who you are. Then again, I'm a bit biased and have to severely limit my caffeine intake because of heart issues.

And Yuck sounds like a wonderful hypocrite, what with letting her kid drink all the coffee he wants but not any pop because of caffeine. There are plenty of other reasons to restrict pop that wouldn't make her sound like a flaming idiot lol.

Shaman29's picture

Oh took me four years to give up coffee because the caffeine was having a negative impact on my health. But I miss it like hell and have decaf from time to time. like booze, you don't drink coffee.....just tell me you can't live without dark chocolate so we can still be friends.

BSgoinon's picture

Oh, I was COMPLETELY addicted to Diet Coke for YEARS. The caffeine had a hold of me BAD! I was up to 5 or 6 a day...It is still my "coffee" in the morning. I only have ONE a day to wake me up.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Dark chocolate. I will stab someone if they touch my dark chocolate.

Can we please still be friends?

Shaman29's picture

Yay! Stabby Sisters!

DH knows I will throat punch him if he even thinks about touching my dark chocolate.

Absolutely we're friends! Blum 3

amber3902's picture

I don't think a lot of caffeine for small children is good, but I have heard of parents giving coffee to their ADHD kid.

My neighbor (not a kid obviously, but principle still applies) has ADHD and he says coffee actually has a calming affect on him. He stopped taking Ritalin years ago and just drinks coffee instead.

It's sort of a like a negative canceling out a negative, the stimulant has the opposite effect of calming the ADHD child down.

Unfreakingreal's picture

You should try it RedEyes. I never put my boy on drugs and the coffee really does calm him. He is also an athlete and the intense workouts and practice hours really help him burn all that hyper energy.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Everything in moderation. Too much of anything is never good. I love coffee, but I only drink 1 cup a day MAYBE 2 on really cold days. Pumpkin Spice in the fall is my favorite. YUM!

PeanutandSons's picture

Coffee and the caffine in it is horrible for kids. Poor poor parenting on moms part. Wny do you allow him to drink it when hes with you?

purpledaisies's picture

Good question . I didn't know he had it til sun. When I went in their room for something and there it was all hooked up and then dh told me he knew he had it. Ok so I'm thinking that if both his parents are ok with it then why would I try to do more for a kid that isn't mine that his parents won't do. So there ya go.

I was mainly venting about how poor parenting it is.

z3girl's picture

I think I was 14 when I would occasionally drink coffee (with flavored creamers in it) but I didn't start drinking it daily until I was 16 and working. At work everyone smoked and drank coffee or beer depending on the time of day. I guess since I never drank soda, it's not that big of a deal.

A pot a day is a bit much. That can't be good. My heart is pounding just thinking about it. I love coffee, but too much caffeine isn't fun.

I'm glad I'm not like DH who can't function without coffee.

purpledaisies's picture

Space that was my point that he is do addicted that he brings it himself to make sure he has it . I mean we do have a coffee pot but not always coffee we don't drink it a lot. So I'm guessing he brought knowing we most likely won't have much. Lol

Unfreakingreal's picture

My BS15 has been drinking coffee since he was about 8. He has ADHD and I had read somewhere that coffee was a good alternative to drugs. He only drinks one cup in the morning IF that. He likes it with milk and lightly sweetened. I see nothing wrong with kids drinking coffee in moderation.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Was never allowed to drink coffee until HS, parents said it stunts growth. Same for DH (his parents gave the same reason too!). I wonder though if it was a lie and they only said it because they didn't want us hyped up on caffeine.

Caffeine withdrawal sucks like crazy. Went through it once after drinking coffee for a week, never again. Headaches like you wouldn't believe.

DH was less lucky--he tried stopping coffee for lent. Crazy migraines and explosive diarrhea. Yikes!

purpledaisies's picture

Kathc that won't work as ss14 is almost as big as dh. Dh is 6'1" and about 250. So yep ss14 is a big kid.

PeanutandSons's picture

Check out Teavana...... Soooo many yummy teas you will never miss coffee again. lot are completely caffine free.

Currently enjoying Pumkin Spice Brulee tea, and its bliss in a cup.

Bojangles's picture

YSD started pretentiously drinking coffee when she was 14, she thought she was SO grown up with her coffee in the morning. It was one of her smaller boundary challenges, 'I will assume the mannerisms and habits of a grown up, say something if you dare'. It was a battle I chose not to pick with her, but I wouldn't want a child of mine having more than the occasional cup of coffee at that age, given the issues associated with caffeine.

hismineandours's picture

My 14 year old son will occasionally drink coffee-like maybe once a month. Like from the coffee pot at home. My daughters, 16 and 11, both like to get the fancy mocha latte frappucino whatevers at Starbucks whenever we pass one which is like once a month or so.

I never have drank coffee and am sure never will. Holds no interst for me.

misSTEP's picture

BM would let SD drink energy drinks like there was no tomorrow but refused to let her have a cappuccino....???

Mommymode1985's picture

I let my children drink very milky decaf coffee or decaf tea. It's a ritual they enjoy to spend time with and be like momma. I don't mind it. They also feel special and grown up and it's no worse then a hot chocolate. But caffeinated coffee? Espresso? Nope.