some people amaze me!
I am reading another board (not a step board) anyway someone posted about their niece is getting divorced and that they had their kids bday party together and their home. He moved out and she has a bf that was also there. Anyway she was saying how weird it was and all the tension.
So the people that responded was all saying that it was good that they put aside everything for their kid. Now here is the thing If the op could feel the tension so could all the kids so how is that good? That is how I responded to that thread. so if it gets a little more heated and if I know this board it will I would like some ideas on what to say to these people who don't have a clue, thanks.
- purpledaisies's blog
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Gosh the things people will
Gosh the things people will say is 'for the sake of the kid'.
Yeah, I painted a target on my forhead so BM could shoot her paintball gun at me and relieve her tension...i did it for the sake of SD so she could have a tension free environment.
Ugh when does this 'doing it for skids benefit' end?Is it to their benefit to have tense,irritable adults dancing around them all the time?Is it in their benefit to never become familiar with the concept of the word no? I would never have any type of joint party with bm and THAT my friends is for the sake of SD so I don't kill her mother right in front of her }:)
need some help here. Here is
need some help here. Here is the link to the thread.
I know huh poor guy. Can you
I know huh poor guy. Can you guess who I am there?
Yes, he kept his post...away
Yes, he kept his post...away from everything going on & not being included in any of the activity...yet the tension was all his fault & had NOTHING to do with the fact that mom & dad just divorced & were trying to play house together. How freaking ridiculous!
still need some help now they
still need some help now they are saying that they need to keep it like they are a family!
Keeping it like they are a
Keeping it like they are a family is what draws out the children's wishes for their parents to reunite. They need to understand that they are not one family unit anymore. While their mother will always be their mother & their father will always be their father, the group of them, together, are not a family.
That's the illusion that makes it so difficult for children to accept new step-parents. It makes them feel like the step is intruding in their family & keeping the parents from getting back together.
Instead of the one family they originally were, the kids get to have 2 with each parent.
I hope you don't mind but I
I hope you don't mind but I copy and pasted your comment.
I don't mind at all.
I don't mind at all.
These people are nuts! I read
These people are nuts! I read the comment that "kids appreciate their parents being at the same party..." wth ever! I think to this day I'd have a panic attack if my parents were in the same room as each other, and they've been divorced for 15 years!!! Some people are plain nuts.
As far those saying the BF
As far those saying the BF shouldn't have been there...that mentality...not including the new person leads to them being left out of everything. Why is it so important for children to feel like they are all still one big happy family, but it's not important for children to learn to respect the new person's place in their lives?
" I told my then BF (now
" I told my then BF (now husband) that if he could not be in the same room with my ex and be civil for my son's sake, then he could hit the road. "
So, what if the ex-husband was the one who couldn't be in the same room with the boyfriend & be civil? I'm guessing that in more cases than not, the EX is the one who will have bitter feelings toward the new guy & will be scorned. Again...the accountability to play nice all falls on the new guy...
(I'm intrigued by this board now. LOL!)
AND...just because the board isn't a "step board" doesn't mean anything. She posted that like it was relevant. The situation is absolutely step-related, so your comments are just as valid as anyone else's, if not moreso. You're looking at the whole picture.
Oh yeah you will be these
Oh yeah you will be these people are in la la land to say the least. I was burned bad on there when I posted that when i bought my kids a car that dh HAD to buy skids are too according to bm. Even though her aunt was to buy them a car and already bought the oldest a truck. But I was to suck it up and make my dh buy them a second car a piece!
Kudos to you for taking up
Kudos to you for taking up for steps! Clearly they are not & will not consider any position other than the perfect BM position.
If they had truly put aside their differences & come together as a family, they'd have all been allowed in the room together where things were going on. If each being in a separate room in the house & staying as far away from each other as possible with alcohol to keep them sane, then all means, they certainly put aside their differences & came together as a family.
What a joke!
It is sad that step moms on
It is sad that step moms on this board is always out down and trashed. And it is supposed to be a family board too. Just so sad
I think it's great to be able
I think it's great to be able to have special events together. My DH and I went to the kids' birthday party not long ago. I have to admit I felt a little awkward, but that's something I need to overcome. I've never seen the kids so excited to have everyone they love there together. They kept talking about how happy they were that mommy, daddy and I were all there to play. It was worth it to see their happiness
DH went to a couple of
DH went to a couple of birthday parties at BM's house. I was never invited/allowed when she had them there.
DH said it was always uncomfortable because all of her family (parents, uncles, aunts, cousins)was there & all the friends they played with & knew from BM's house were invited. His family & the friends they played with & knew from our house were never invited/allowed, so he was the odd man out getting the stink eye from everyone. He would search for opportunities to step outside for a cigarette & couldn't wait for the party to end so he could leave.
He finally told her if his side wasn't welcome he wasn't coming to her house for parties anymore. They needed to either have it somewhere public, where all of the family could come, or they could do separate parties. She opted for separate parties, but then wouldn't let him have the kids on a weekend for our parties with DH's family. When he finally took her to court for contempt she agreed to have the parties at the rollerskating rink where they live. We went several times but it was obvious that there was a divide. It never failed...DH, me, DH's mom & stepdad would end up in a corner while BM & her mom put on the show & the showering of the gifts ritual. The kids would spend next to no time with DH. They'd give us a quick hug when BM had her head turned, & be distant just as soon as she looked back. After the first time, BM complained about having to pay for all of it (which she didn't/doesn't have a penny to pay. It was her mother who put the money out on them.) We offered to pay half, however our money was not worthy of her. I suggested they cover the parties one year & we cover it the next, but then BM acted like she wanted to take it all on for her children. WTF-ever. From that point on, I would go, but refused any cake, ice cream, soda, etc. I wasn't about to give them an opporunity to say that my being there cost them ANYTHING. Once court started getting ugly we started getting un-invited to birthdays, or we'd get invited to one, but not the other which created a whole new set of "unfairness" issues.
If we had it to do again, I'd absolutely opt for the separate parties. That way, the kids can enjoy the company of every family member without being worried about showing one side affection in front of the other, & EVERYONE can rest easy & truly enjoy the celebration with the children.
"Why on earth should children
"Why on earth should children have to accept new step parents? Certainly no requirement that a child has to like the parent's new spouse."
I pulled this comment from the ruins of the post on the other site. THIS mentality is why so many step-families struggle.
The comments on that thread...with the exception of yours, purpledaisies, sound like the perfect-BM remarks. It's clear that the majority of the posters who commented & argued are not steps. Several of them post about steps that they know, however their remarks about everyone getting along fine & not having any tension at their together parties apply to their comments as well. When they say that even though the OP stated that there was uncomfortable tension, she cannot speak for what everyone else there felt. The same applies to their comments when they state that there was NO uncomfortable tension at the parties that some people they know had. They can't speak on behalf of the people who were actually AT the party, & for those who did attend the party, they can't speak on behalf of what anyone else there felt.
The group sounds like a soccer-mom BM group. As for those who posted their feelings as stepkids, there's no doubt in my mind that they wish they could've had both parents present at their parties. Every child wants that ideal party. However, in many (though not all) cases, they don't realize the ugly discomfort & drama that can come from the combination of hurt & anger coming together in a room full of screaming wound-up children. I don't agree that it's wrong to have combined parties, but by no means do I believe that it's always a good idea.
It's clear that the majority in that group have not experienced life as a step-parent. You were brave to take them on. It was clear, though, from the reaction to your first remarks that they would not be willing to bend or even try to see your POV. For what it's worth, I'm glad you were willing to speak your mind.
Thanks I feel so bad for some
Thanks I feel so bad for some of the people that are step moms that post there and they ALWAYS get flamed. I normally try to post something on their thread and then send them a link for here. I know a woman that got flamed really bad b/c she took her sd's phone away when she told her to help put the food away and she refused she she took her phone. Normal punishment but NO not for a step mom!
Storm after reading that last
Storm after reading that last comment you posted here I have been thinking, So if a kid doesn't have to accept a step parent does that mean that a step parent doesn't have to accept the kid? Just sayin.
LOL! I just don't get a
LOL! I just don't get a parent telling their child, "She's not your mom. You don't have to accept her". It's a basic life-lesson! In school, in a job...wherever...there will be people you don't like. You still have to accept that they're there, & the harder you fight it the uglier it's going to be! It seems a parent would want their children to learn that very valuable lesson!
I don't care if my skids don't like me, but they still must show me the same respect they would show a stranger on the street.
Hi there can I use some of
Hi there can I use some of the insight here in this entry if I provide a link back to your site?
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