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So proud of my dh!

purpledaisies's picture

I posted a while back that I had to decorate my moms house b/c she broke her foot. I went over there yesterday to do that. When I got back all the skids were cleaning and he was doing laundry! Smile Smile Smile I have an awesome dh!


purpledaisies's picture

I know it was great. He knew the boys were going home that day and I had the house clean when they got here. I really hate it when they leave and it is a mess. I get very cranky! LOL

overit2's picture

LOVE it! It's neat isn't it when they do things for us! I'm very glad you had that kind of moment with your dh and skids.

I had a moment like that this wknd also, I spent Thanksgiving w/his parents...and then my family had Thanksgiving on Friday at my brothers. He chose to not go w/his D because he knew we could have drama w/her and my son and he wanted me to have a good time w/my family, drama and stress free. He said he's be waiting at my house when we got back. Well I wasn't too thrilled about that as I was super tired-BUT...I came back to a clean house. Apparently it was his D idea actually to help clean up for us (she does do this, that's the sweet part I like!). She made the boys room and put their clothes away, cleaned the living room up and windexed the windows and glass table in lroom, my bf made my bed and picked up a few things, the kitchen was picked up and dishes washed. It's those moments that make you go awww.... Gotta love them!

purpledaisies's picture

WOW see my dh would have told me not to worry and finished it with no question. See we both agree that since we both work full time that whatever needs to be at the house we both do it. It is split as it is not fair for me to have to work full time just like he does and have to do all the house work while he gets to rest. I don't think so!!!!

I work nights so I don;t get up till about 10am but I normally start laundry and stuff like that. The kids have their chores I'll start on them about their chores and when he comes home he helps and makes sure they do them and their home work is done when I leave. I normally make dinner but that is b/c I'm home at that time. I just don't get it when people think a women should do all the house work when they work full time just as much if not more then the man! want to piss me off that is a good way to do. That makes my blood boil! No way will I be up cooking and cleaning while my dh sits on his butt b/c he works, I work too!! GGRRRRRR I will go off on anyone who things I should do more at home just b/c I'm the woman!

overit2's picture

Spunki-glad you are thinking well w/no marriage material thing. We aren't married yet either...but we split cooking duty evenly-if I cook, when I'm getting my bs's to bed-he cleans up. I have no issues w/him doing his part to make my life easier. His D is also decent about helping out...though she is used to dad "serving" her more then I do w/my boys. Honestly I wish I could work it in my budget to have a cleaning lady come by if even twice a month. Not feasible now though Sad IMO it should come incoporated in the wedding vows-ESPECIALLY for sm's! lol

purpledaisies's picture

I have always been that way from the time I was very young! I saw my poor mom work full time and she had to come home and do everything there too. I helped but of course I was a kid. But I never understood why my dad wouldn't do anything not even cook! He would starve if he had to cook. He would eat off dirty dishes instead of washing one. Since I was a girl I never allowed to do anything that a man was supposed to I was to be in the house with mom! I resented it so much so that I sat my dad down when I was older and out of the house and laid into him. I explained to him that it was bs that mom had to do everything in the house plus work while he came home and put his feet up and expected her to wait on him. It was a very long conversation but I think it sunk in as he did start to do more around the house. Plus when I went over there to decorate her house for christmas he was determined that he wasn't going to help me with anything or help move the furniture. I looked at him and said I'm willing to compromise you can help and keep your recliner or I can do it all and the recliner goes! What is your choice? See when you give men or people in general a choice like that they have to pick one or the other. He choose to help. LOL

purpledaisies's picture

It's ok I don't care if you high jack my thread! LOL It's all in good fun anyway. I know I'm very lucky to have the man I have. Most men are the typical man. My man is very sensitive, I love that he is b/c he does so much for me, I really think he thinks that if he doesn't treat me so special that someone else will. He has told me so many times that he can't believe I'm with him. See I don;t like to brag but I am a very pretty woman and he is the average looking man, But looks is not everything to me it is more of his personality and the way he treats me. Truth is I wouldn't leave him for anyone he is the best thing that ever happened to me and I have told him that. I'm just so glad that he is not the disney dad.

purpledaisies's picture

I never thought this was you bashing him b/c most men are that way. I understand. Dh and i got married after dating for 8 months however we have known each other for 8 years before we got married. Yes the whole time he was married to bm however I knew him before they were together.