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o/t i know this is off topic but too excited

purpledaisies's picture

I bought a purple couch!! Love purple. I have been looking for one for a long time and found one... Can't wait to put it in the new house. My kitchen is purple and the rest of the house is grey. Then I will have pops of purple with asserieries


purpledaisies's picture

Thanks I have always loved purple. When purple wasn't cool I still loved it. Now I want purple applainces

StarStuff's picture

Nice. I have a purple strainer. FDH and I are going to make our wedding registries within the next week or two...I suspect several items will be purple Smile

StarStuff's picture

I love purple too...and lobsters! lol. congrats on the new couch - I want one too!

purpledaisies's picture

I showed dh the mixer he loves it. But of course the kitchen is mine lol

oldone's picture

A word on the mixer (love the color) that price is ridiculous for the 325 watt version.

I paid almost $100 LESS for the one with 600 watts of power. (and it still stalled when I was making bread - the 325 would never have handled it).

HungryEyes's picture

I have wanted a purple couch forever! I even took a picture of BF and me on one a few months ago. It's on the bucket list!