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purpledaisies's picture

I was wrapping all the gifts for all the kids b/c I love to wrap and dh can't. So I was wrapping the skids gifts when I realized that ss15 is short a gift! LOL Now I didn't go shopping for them dh did. I told dh about it b/c I thought maybe I was missing one that I just couldn't find. NOPE he didn't get him one. Not only that sh is broke. I don;t know how he is going to get one more? I would lend him the money but I'm broke too. SOOO we will have to figure something out. I don't know how he did it but Something else I have to deal with.


caregiver1127's picture

How about a coupon to go and do something with just him and DH after the new year - I don't know what he likes to do but maybe bowling or shooting guns or just him and dh going out to dinner and a movie or something like that - that way he has a gift and you all don't have to worry about the cost until after the new year!

purpledaisies's picture

yay dh got a $20 tip today so he can get the other gift. However he thought he would use it to take me out to eat instead. I reminded him of the gift so he is coming home. Sometimes men!!!